Morons on the View Tell DJT Jr. That His Father is Not the Biggest Media Targeted President of All-Time as They Relentlessly Attacked the President – IOTW Report

Morons on the View Tell DJT Jr. That His Father is Not the Biggest Media Targeted President of All-Time as They Relentlessly Attacked the President

The vitriol for the president was as thick as their collective skulls on The View today. In fact, Meghan McCain sat in her ever-buckling chair in a cartoonishly overly stoic manner until she was able to take the mic and do, yet again, a ridiculously maudlin hagiography of her phony baloney asshole father as she tried to shame our president.

The rank pettiness stood in stark contrast to their “doe-in-the-woods” act, pathetically trying to convince themselves that they are fair as they resisted all concessions that the president has done any good in this country whatsoever.

This is a hoot. Especially when DJTjr called out Whoopie for her blackface boyfriend, Ted Danson, and her infamous “it wasn’t rape-rape” Polanski comment.

Goldberg was incensed.

31 Comments on Morons on the View Tell DJT Jr. That His Father is Not the Biggest Media Targeted President of All-Time as They Relentlessly Attacked the President

  1. Is Whoopi trying to be the ugliest person on the planet? Looks like she went to target and bought a couple mops to wear on her head. I guess that’s cheaper than a wig or a hairstylist.

  2. I could live to be a hundred years old and I would still not understand why dopey TV shows such as this, composed of vile shriveled up old hags who know nothing of the real world, get such gravitas, such cachet, such relevance imported to it.

    What is the difference between these 5 shrieking harpies, and a show made up of 5 Joy Reid’s, which nobody watches anyway? And why does any right-leaning blog link to this garbage TV show?

    I kinda get conservatives going on Bill Maher’s show, at least there people pretend to think and minds can be swayed with a rationally persuasive argument, but The View? I can’t even watch short clips of these folks.

  3. “Ever buckling chair” Hahha
    At the end of every show she heads to the green room and surveys the leftover snacks laid out for guests. “Do you guys mind if I take this stuff home?”

  4. How the hell is that show still on the air? Who can stand to watch that shit? Somebody should have told that McCain chick about how she wouldn’t be on the show or nobody would even know her name if it wasn’t for her traitor Daddy.

  5. One observation relevant to the idea that Pres. Trump is “Biggest Media Targeted President of All-Time” – Abe Lincoln was so incensed by what the press said about him that he threw newspaper editors into prison, 1st Amendment and habeas corpus be damned.

  6. How does one like Poopie Moldturd©️ start off as an actress with a very impressive run wind up sitting around a round table with a bunch of fellow round miserable harpies bitchin’ about things they have no control over while never making a meaningful contribution to society, let alone making a tangible difference in people’s lives?

    “Chalk it up to bad management Jerry!”

  7. There”s so many circus clowm antics going on in that interview, where to begin.
    First of all, somebody needs to take that bell away from the baboon leftist tool “moderator” called Whoopi. She went crazy with that thing. She also told Donald Jr. comedy distracts from the seriousness. This coming from a “comedian”.
    Meagan should have been challenged on her father’s character, which is stained by his traitous actions.
    The two bubble heads whined about how they immagined President Trump as the Big Bad Wolf, victimizing leftists.
    Joyless looked a bit dazed and confused at times and keep taking cues from the rude top moron, Goldberg.
    No, Kimberly wasn’t helping. Too much butt kissing, especially with Miss Piggy McStain. Donald could do better.
    All in all, the interview was a hot mess. Although, Donald did a good job, despite being outnumbered shouted down by Demwit fools. Hope he doesn’t keep going on shows like “The View”, it’s just not as effective as he thinks.

  8. Nobody in the Trump family should ever stoop that low again and appear on that piece of garbage. DO NOT even cross their threshold — it gives The View useless relevance.

    Dittos for no appearances on all the rest of the slime machines out there.

  9. Meg-ham the manipulator. Sssssh, everyone, all eyes on me. I’m going to “use” the Goldstar Khan family as an opening for others to bring up my fa-tha and everyone else can pile on.

    She’s as subtle as mega ton fart in church.

  10. Once again McCain couldn’t speak without saying “My dad..”
    But she boiled it down to how this show operates, “You don’t FEEL bad about..”
    It’s all FEELINGS. When they hear a fact they disagree with they all cackle, “that’s not true!!!”
    and they go right back to FEELINGS.

    If they listened to and accepted actual facts it wouldn’t be so easy to hurt their feelings.

    But I digress, this show it for stay at home women who are for the most part sexist feminazis with a large portion married to soy boys. They like talking/hearing about feelings, it’s easier than learning facts.

  11. I would rank Trump number one on the list of media targeted Presidents because the media has nothing and insists on relying on rumors and unsubstantiated claims to bring down a President who has a great track record so far. I had thought about putting Trump in a tie with Richard Nixon, but with Nixon there was a real scandal under all of the attacks. LBJ underwent a lot of media attacks, but the Viet Nam era was different and there was a lot of anger in general due to poor prosecution of a war we arguably should not have even been involved in.

    However, the clear number one recipient of Presidents who benefited from unwarranted positive media coverage was Barack Obama. At best, Obama was a poor to mediocre President, yet our media put him on a par with sainthood. Our national media is actually a national joke in large part because for 8 years, our media glorified an unqualified President, and then turned around and vilified a President who has amply demonstrated his qualifications.

    For the record, I don’t consider The View to be a part of the media. The show is a bunch of cackling hens who don’t even understand that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.

  12. Watching ‘The View’ is like watching a homeless mental defective masturbate in public.

    You really shouldn’t pay attention. If you do, it makes it plain you have some mental issues also.

  13. Meagan McCain looked like a piece of dry ice gassing away, talk about TOXIC. She oozes bitterness and hate.

    @15:38 Joyless says “Calm down this is not a MAGA rally.”

    @22:34 – KG says “and you know what guys, it goes BOTH ways.”

    I guess we had some infiltrators in there!

    @ pianomusic – great Cheech and Chong reference, I saw what ya did there…

    Sister Mary Elephant:


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