Ginsburg home with a “stomach bug” – IOTW Report

Ginsburg home with a “stomach bug”


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was absent Wednesday for courtroom arguments in two cases.

Chief Justice John Roberts announced that Ginsburg was “indisposed due to illness,” a statement similar to the one he made on the first day of the term, Oct. 7, when Justice Clarence Thomas was absent with what a court official said was the flu.

The same court official said Wednesday that Ginsburg was “home with a stomach bug.”

The health of Ginsburg, 86, has been the subject of intense interest since she underwent surgery last winter for lung cancer and treatment over the summer for a cancerous tumor on her pancreas.

ht/ hot salsa

34 Comments on Ginsburg home with a “stomach bug”

  1. Despite this, she will hang on until after the election in the hope that one of the (sad) list of Democrat candidates actually win and will replace her with another far-left ideologue.
    Get as many of your friends on the right to vote for Trump next year. We will need all the help we can get to beat the shenanigans the left with resort to.

  2. Somebody posted online, complaining that his Glock would eject hot empty casings into his face When shooting.

    The reply to this complaint was ‘that’s a feature not a bug’

  3. Stomach Bug? Is that code for cancer? Almost time for Thanksgiving Recess, then Christmas/Hanukkah/Quanza break. No one will see her until February (if then), then it’s more sick leave. This bitter old hag will hold on until November 2020, all while her progressive law
    Clerks do all her work for her. How can a justice render an opinion without appearing in court?

  4. I believe she’s dead already and the Dems are trying to impeach Trump real quick so they can work on getting Pence out of the way then let Nancy take over and name the next justice. It’s going to be interesting to watch them when Trump gets reelected names another judge then has them tried for their treasonous acts.

  5. Ronterf is on the right track.

    I think she’s gotten her end days notice and that is why the rush to impeach; ‘Damn the torpedoes’ full speed ahead.

    Remember, All of a sudden they want impeachment to be completed by the end of the year and onto the senate.

  6. @Uncle Al November 13, 2019 at 5:24 pm

    > Would it be wrong for me to hope that the bug turns out to be a scorpion or brown recluse spider?

    It’ll have two sets of jaws. Nuclear acid blood. And a tail.

    But don’t worry. As long as the gown fits, Roberts’ll still let “her” vote.

  7. If she is being forced to stay on by the Demos then that’s on them and their evil.

    If she is staying around just to block another Trump Nominee then she is no better than McShitstain!

    And we all know what his thumbs down did for his reputation!

    The image that I keep seeing of RBG is her asleep at a presidential address which is a good metaphor for Leftist Judges asleep while criminals prey upon the innocent.

  8. Has she recused herself from any of the cases
    that she has not participated of in the
    argumentation process ?

    If she hasn’t, she should not be thought of
    as an ethical lawyer
    much less an ethical judge !

    And she sits on the highest court
    gloatingly awaiting a president
    who will appoint another
    incompetent jerk like her !

  9. Fuck her!
    I hope the pain is commensurate with the blight she’s laid across the Judiciary for the past 26 (seems longer) years.

    Naw – that reads all negative and shit (I take it back) – I hope she’s feeling more betterer!

    izlamo delenda est …


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