Dems Bring Their Divisions To Date Night – IOTW Report

Dems Bring Their Divisions To Date Night

Paul Joseph Watson- Summit News

In an article entitled ‘Dating A Democrat: How 2020’s Presidential Election Has Altered Romance in D.C.’ we learn that some Dems are insisting in their dating profile bios that their would-be partner share basically their every political view.

29-year-old Elizabeth Warren supporter Sam Rick told WAMU that although she might occasionally go on a date with a Bernie Sanders supporter, “Nine times out of 10, it turns into a very big argument.”

“I’ve been on dates whereby the end of the night, it’s completely ruined. I know where it’s going to go — best to just avoid it,” added Rick. She says that if she finds out a potential date supports Joe Biden, it’s an “immediate swipe left.” More

23 Comments on Dems Bring Their Divisions To Date Night

  1. I am doing the dating app thing. My profile shows ‘conservative’. If she puts liberal that certainly factors in, very slim chance I will swipe right. ‘Moderate’ and not stating political interest are options too.
    Went on a first date earlier this week – no politics discussion. The ability to not talk politics shows something about her character, even if she were to tend toward liberal.

  2. … should shouldn’t have to say anything to the ladies, Conservative women are smart and beautiful (MINE is, anyway), so they all know better than to take up with a soy boy, and have WAY more options, too…

  3. Dating in itself is complicated, why gamble dating someone with two or three heads (democrat) with poisonous fangs, that can flip them on a dime. No not me, there’s a big difference between lucky and dumb.

  4. …and gals, you may be able to trade clothing and makeup tips with your new democrat boyfriend too, although when you two step out to the vegan restaurant, you’re going to have to decide which one of you is going to wear the higher heels…

    …and don’t figure on being able to wear his cute outfits, he’s probably not your size….

  5. After the second divorce, the first serious question is, societal leaning.
    Kissed a lot of toads goodbye.
    Married a hard core conservative, never been happier.
    She’s pretty, inside and outside, never complains and is smarter than me too.
    Now, if I could just get her to stop rolling her eyes at my mansplaining.

  6. I’ve made really good friends over my lifetime. Many men I wouldn’t have chosen to date are among those friends. The men I have dated are not. Guess I didn’t make good choices when it comes to romance!

    That said, if I meet a soy boy or rabid leftist today, I’m just glad I gave up dating decades ago!

  7. If you do let your hormones run amok and it looks like you and a lib-dem are headed for the sack, for God’s sake get an “Agreement and Contract for Consensual Sexual Activity” signed and notarized first. Witnesses and video would be good, too.

  8. L.C.D., don’t do it, you will regret it later. Leftest women look at things differently than you, they don’t value the same things, they certainly don’t view America the same as you.

    To me, a leftist woman might as well tattoo on her forehead, “Warning!!! I lack critical thinking skills”. They shoot everything through the prism of intersectionality, they do not value free speech or can even continence an alternative viewpoint, and they aren’t religious minded. And don’t even think about raising a child with this woman, they will raise him vegan (all the while guilt-tripping them about craving a burger), will shun all vaccinations and their pronouncements of gender fluidity will screw them up to the point of contemplating suicide.

    Make “conservative leaning” your number one priority, then go from there.

  9. My son lives in Arlington, VA and was dating a woman for a while when he decided to surprise her and take her to a REALLY NICE restaurant in the newly renovated Post Office building in DC. When they got there she realized it was inside the Trump International Hotel Trump’s family had just restored. She was livid that he took her there. He’s not political and never thought about it – didn’t even know about it.
    That was their last date. He stopped the relationship when he realized she was an extreme libtard who couldn’t ignore the Trump name on the china and enjoy an really nice meal that my son spent a lot of money on.

  10. If you’re out on the market just stick with conservative women that way you won’t have to explain every bloody thing to them and you also won’t have to explain to your doctor how you wound up with a STD.

  11. I haven’t dated a liberal woman In decades. They wired way too different for my taste and values. I have Beach Girl, who isn’t that into politics, but is a solid Trump supporter.

  12. “Home is where you learn that the three magic words in any relationship aren’t ‘I love you’ they’re ‘let it go’…we are going to have to learn to live with each other or else there will be blood,” Maher said.”

    Wrong again, numbnut. The 3 most important words are, “I FORGIVE YOU.”

    It’s clear to see why democraps don’t get along – they surely never learned THOSE words in THEIR homes! 🙄

  13. Back before W, and 0bama, I could see politics not being that big a deal because Dems back then weren’t the Dems they are now. The second you open your mouth to a DemoSocialist, a thousand accusations of rape, racism, etc. come flying back. It isn’t worth it. Not today.

    The fact that the lefties in the story are splitting THEMSELVES up into categories is odd. Liz and Bernie have very little differences between each other, other than Liz is a female.
    The more hairs you split the more bald you are. Or something. I dunno.
    I’m gonna go get me a beer.


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