Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized for chills and fever, Supreme Court says – IOTW Report

Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized for chills and fever, Supreme Court says


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital on Friday night after experiencing chills and a fever, the Supreme Court said Saturday night.

Ginsburg, 86, was initially evaluated at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., before being transferred to Johns Hopkins for further evaluation and treatment of any possible infection, the Supreme Court said in a press release.

Her symptoms have abated after intravenous antibiotics and fluids and she is expected to be released from the hospital as early as Sunday morning, according to the release.

Ginsburg has suffered a number of hospital stints recently.

ht/ woody

49 Comments on Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized for chills and fever, Supreme Court says

  1. ‘…fluids’ … yeah, embalming fluids

    said it before … best health care taxpayer money can buy
    anyone else would be told to ‘take aspirin & get plenty of rest’

  2. Watch her hang on until early 2020, then the Progs will scream that President Trump cannot appoint a new Justice during a election year because Obumbles couldn’t get a bad choice through in 2016.

  3. Sibley is a wonderful hospital in the richest part of DC. It can provide the best care possible for someone with chills and a fever. Why transport her 50 miles to Baltimore and expose her to additional risks? Why not drive just 10 to 15 minutes to get to Georgetown or GWU medical centers?
    I’m suspicious.

  4. As soon as she assumes room temperature the democraps will do everything in their power to stall any nomination of a new judge to replace her and hope they get lucky and win the Presidency back next yr. Which I don’t think will happen but they’ll do everything to stall a nomination until then. The next nomination of a new Supreme Court justice will be more brutal than Kavanugh’s nomination was. Their precious (unlimited abortion on demand) is at stake and just like Gollum they’re not giving up easily.

  5. I’m gonna be honest here…

    Just die already. You won’t retire and you’re an enemy of the Constitution. You’d kill the rest of us without blinking an eye.

    Die in grievous pain and suffering, like all the babies you have murdered.

  6. The docs became concerned when they couldn’t find a pulse – then they were “informed” that cyborgs don’t have pulses.

    The docs were also disappeared to keep Ruth Bader Cyborg’s status a secret.

  7. The report is due out very soon.

    How many of the dems will still be around when it is time to approve Trump’s Supreme Court replacement for RBG?

    They may have to vote from the penitentiary.

  8. Well we all have a mom, or a grand mom, so everyone calm the fuck down about wishing death. She’s gonna die at some point and we’ll get another pick, of an unpredictable vote in the future SOTUS. The effing lifers I can’t stand it.

    Maybe she wants to die in office like her opera friend Scalia??

    So what? Let her be. And let the Left go nuts when it happens.

  9. i want her off the court; I don’t care how it happens. There is no way in her condition she can function up to par. What medications is she on. She may be attending oral arguments for show, but her clerks (what, a year out of law school?) have to be doing the bulk of her work. If she doesn’t have an obligation to retire, then every DUI law in the country needs to be repealed.

  10. I KNEW that would catch an Anon. And IT worked.

    Talk about phishing that was easy. Light gauge line not even heavy gauge.

    Who is NOT selling out the county, Annnnnon?

    Let her die a long death, correct?? How do you hope to die in where, what hospital?

    Let it rest.

  11. Luke:

    The rulers sneered at Jesus and said,
    “He saved others, let him save himself
    if he is the chosen one, the Christ of God.”
    Even the soldiers jeered at him.
    As they approached to offer him wine they called out,
    “If you are King of the Jews, save yourself.”
    Above him there was an inscription that read,
    “This is the King of the Jews.”

    Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying,
    “Are you not the Christ?
    Save yourself and us.”
    The other, however, rebuking him, said in reply,
    “Have you no fear of God,
    for you are subject to the same condemnation?
    And indeed, we have been condemned justly,
    for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes,
    but this man has done nothing criminal.”
    Then he said,
    “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
    He replied to him,
    “Amen, I say to you,
    today you will be with me in Paradise.”

    On which side will she hang? Left or Right?

  12. Horatio, you’re right, when you say something as stupid as you said:

    “Well we all have a mom, or a grand mom, so everyone calm the fuck down about wishing death. She’s gonna die at some point.”

    You’re bound to get a response.

  13. @joe6pak – you can call me, or my comment stupid, that’s fine, we are grown up here, right?

    What is noble about wishing death upon someone??

    I enjoy the free and open debate. My skin is THICK.

    Call me names, cool, I can stand the heat.

    @ Tony R – troller I am not. Go ahead try again. It’s called critical free thinking.

  14. Horatio, wake up and smell the coffee. You’re crowing about drawing a comment from an anon (as sorry as they are) regarding their disagreement with you about the demise of a person that is in favor of the murder of hundreds of thousands of unborn, and even 4th trimester children, and then you equate that with what you presume to be her desire to die as a sitting justice, similar to that as the incredible and irreplaceable Justice Scalia. You are sick and twisted.

  15. Not too serious, they only had to transfer her to Dr. Frankenstein’s Lab. I guess they didn’t have any “fluids” at the first hospital. Never too late for a ‘late term abortion ‘ hey ginzie

  16. By any but communist standards, the woman has betrayed our Nation, our Constitution and her oath – her entire career! It is well past time for her to pay the piper…

  17. Scalia was still quite active and doing his job quite well when he suddenly died/was killed. And not given an autopsy.

    Not quite the same as RBG who is holding onto her job that she is unable to perform from beyond the grave. They perform an autopsy 4 times a year and determine Trump to still be in office.

    So that’s a fundamentally dishonest comparison saying he wanted to die in office.

  18. What I find “smugly satisfying” is how many people can template up a “scorpion and the river” story, so easily they can “hardly” stop themselves, who keep being shocked(!) that conservatives exist, solely, to surrender with “dignity”.

  19. Everybody’s got the fever
    That is somethin you all know
    Fever ain’t such a new thing
    Fever started long ago

    Now Ruthless got the fever
    Ruthless got to go…
    Ruthless killed a million children
    Ruthless goin down below

    Got the fever

  20. Hell don’t want her and Heaven won’t have her.

    She’ll probably become some sort of wraith and hang around the dumpsters at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics.

    Eating the tiny bodies and cackling.

    Fuck her (an expression of disgust, not a suggestion of disgust).

    izlamo delenda est …

  21. Remember last weekend when the media was saying that Trump was near death and about to resign, simply because he made an unscheduled stop at Walter Reed? What a difference a week makes, eh, journos?


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