Sen. Graham Seeks All Documents ‘Including Call Summaries’ Related to Biden’s Phone Calls With Ukrainian President – IOTW Report

Sen. Graham Seeks All Documents ‘Including Call Summaries’ Related to Biden’s Phone Calls With Ukrainian President

( – President Trump has released summaries of his two phone calls with Ukraine President Zelensky.

Now let’s see the summaries of Joe Biden’s various calls to former Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko in 2016, when Biden’s son was on the board of the corrupt Ukraine company Burisma at the same time his father was serving as vice president and as Obama’s point-man on Ukraine.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is requesting those call records and more from the Trump State Department, as he launches an investigation into allegations that Joe Biden played a role in the firing of former Ukraine Prosecutor General Shokin in an effort to end the investigation of the company employing his (troubled) son.

In a Nov. 21 letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Graham explained what information he wants, and why:

First, the “why.” According to Graham’s timeline:

On Feb. 4, 2016, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin’s office announced the seizure of property from Mykola Zlochevksy, the founder of Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company. That seizure followed a Feb. 2 raid on Zlochevsky’s home.

Graham said it is his “understanding” that on Feb. 4, the day of the Burisma raid, Hunter Biden, serving on the board of Burisma, began “following” Tony Blinken on Twitter. Blinken at that time was the deputy secretary of state and a longtime adviser to Joe Biden. Graham said this connection indicates that Hunter Biden and Blinken “may have initiated conversations” about Shokin’s investigation into Burisma. read more

8 Comments on Sen. Graham Seeks All Documents ‘Including Call Summaries’ Related to Biden’s Phone Calls With Ukrainian President

  1. …boy of boy, that’s gonna be one HECK of a sternly-worded open letter they’re getting ready to write to the Democrats…

    …they won’t DO anything, as they show by “asking” for, “requesting”, and “directing agencies to initiate a search” instead of sending in armored units to TAKE it as Democrats would, but BOY HOWDY how ashamed those Democrats might feel, if they were EVER capable of shame, which they are NOT…

    …rigjt music at least, guys, but your dancing SUCKS…


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