Israelis accused of ‘agricultural terror’ against Palestinians – IOTW Report

Israelis accused of ‘agricultural terror’ against Palestinians

American Thinker-

Israeli attacks on Palestinian crops are real; Palestinian attacks on Israeli citizens — people — are “purported.”  That’s the tenor of The Washington Post — how much clearer can the bias be?

In “In West Bank, rising ‘agricultural terror'” (11/15/19), while Palestinians are notorious for throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails and murdering Israelis, the Post quotes a Palestinian who says, “They scream at us” and “run at us with rocks” — not that the Israelis throw any.  What is next for the Post: an article on “feelings terrorism”?

Nowhere to be found in the article is the actual “agricultural terrorism,” far more expansive, by the Palestinians in the other territory: Gaza.  For years now, the Palestinians have been sending incendiary kites and balloons to destroy the forests of Israel.  Israel has recorded a total loss of at least 2,600 acres of JNF forests in Israel, according to the JNF, dated May of 2019.  Wikipedia, as of July of 2018, states that 678 fires have been set, “destroying 2,260 acres of woodland and 1,500 acres of agricultural fields as well as causing additional damage to open fields.” read more

10 Comments on Israelis accused of ‘agricultural terror’ against Palestinians

  1. Speaking of “agricultural terror”… remember when the Israelis turned the Gaza Strip over to the Palis? Those cave-men ran in and destroyed the green houses that the Israelis had built instead of putting them to good use! Palis are like bacteria, they only know how to do one thing. Infect!

  2. I am an avid consumer of the Washington Post.

    As soon as older editions are placed on the recycle pile at the local library i snatch them up for use as firestarter for my wood stove.

    Best use for that paper. And it’s free.

  3. Anyone standing in the way of Satan’s plans (i.e. one world government) is going to be viciously attacked from all sides in the hopes of either eliminating or marginalizing them. That includes Israel, especially Israel, and the United States along with a few European countries that still haven’t fallen to him.

    It’s in the prophecies, read them if you don’t understand what is happening or why.

  4. Real terror is dropping white phosphorous bombs on civilians and schools with children inside. Being chemically burned alive is a form of genocide to destroy vulnerable victims.

    Sunday, July 19, 2009
    White Phosphorus against Gaza

    The below photos are not a Movie Shooting or Celebrating a festival with crackers… its a school in Gaza .. this is the current situation of the innocent people in Gaza !

    Make sure you read till last to know what is white phosphorus! and the effect!

    On Burning People Alive
    By John Hartung | Feb 10, 2015
    “Napalm’s viciously successful replacement, MK-77, was used against noncombants in Iraq and Afghanistan in violation of the 1980 United Nations Convention outlawing the use of aerial incendiary bombs against civilian populations, including military targets in civilian areas. Because MK-77 contains it own oxidizing agent and white phosphorus, it burns people alive even after water is poured onto their burning flesh. Though no body counts have been published, it seems certain that more noncombatants than combatants were killed by MK-77 when the city of Fallujah was fire-bombed in 2004. Referring to MK-77 as napalm, US Marine Colonel Randolph Alles quipped “The generals love napalm. It has a big psychological effect”. So the US used MK-77 as a weapon of mass destruction in Fallujah, and as a weapon of mass terrorization in many other parts of Iraq, in its effort to defend the world against terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. The end of war in Iraq is not in sight, but unless it miraculously returns to being the Cradle of Civilization, such means cannot be justified.”

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