#PrayersforNick – IOTW Report


Social media can be cruel. And sometimes hilariously cruel.
Case in point, Nick Vasos who reports on traffic at Kansas City’s Fox4 was feeling under the weather this last week and sent a message to his producers that he wouldn’t be in on Friday. Poor Nick inadvertently emailed all 200 stations from coast to coast in the NexStar Media group and the well wishes quickly overwhelmed the organization’s e-mail system.
When that was shut down the messages of empathy continued to pour in on Twitter. More


7 Comments on #PrayersforNick

  1. I once wanted to e-mail someone at work about a car I had for sale. Inadvertently, I sent the e-mail to every ExxonMoblil employee worldwide, even Rex Tillerson. I received only a mild warning not to do that again.

  2. It’s a good thing Nick didn’t go into detail about his illness, like “hey, I ate some chili dogs down at Janet’s Park-N-Puke Drive In, and man do I have a case of explosive diarrhea!


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