Australia’s Koala Bears Deemed “Functionally Extinct” – IOTW Report

Australia’s Koala Bears Deemed “Functionally Extinct”


As Australia experiences record-breaking drought and bushfires, koala populations have dwindled along with their habitat, leaving them “functionally extinct.”

The chairman of the Australian Koala Foundation, Deborah Tabart, estimates that over 1,000 koalas have been killed from the fires and that 80 percent of their habitat has been destroyed.

Recent bushfires, along with prolonged drought and deforestation has led to koalas becoming “functionally extinct” according to experts.

Functional extinction is when a population becomes so limited that they no longer play a significant role in their ecosystem and the population becomes no longer viable. While some individuals could produce, the limited number of koalas makes the long-term viability of the species unlikely and highly susceptible to disease. More

19 Comments on Australia’s Koala Bears Deemed “Functionally Extinct”

  1. Thank you Anonymous for demonstrating why a high percentage of IOTW frequenters are not a fan of ANON posts. Tie those stupid comments to a verified Toon Name and they go away double quick.

  2. Such cute animals. Sad. Btaim…

    This is, of course, all Trump’s fault. Never mind that bush fires have gone on forever in Australia. And that the koala already was having scarcity problems. Climate change propaganda.

  3. What will Quantas do for a symbol?

    Pick a beast that won’t go extinct anytime soon. A saltwater croc, a great white, a blue ringed octo?

    Or how’s about an old, Australian stockman, lying, dying, telling his mates to tie his kangaroos down and let his abos go loose?

  4. koalas decided to ‘extinct’ themselves when they decided that eating eucalyptus exclusively, to get high all day, was a ‘lifestyle choice’

    hmmmmm, reminds me of …..

  5. The government is not legitimate.

    The globalists give campaign donations and cushy job promises to politicians to run up the debt, start wars, and make laws that enslave Americans. The Gestapo enforces the decrees. Americans obey the laws.

    The only reason the system works now is that everyone thinks the government is legit. If no one obeyed, the system would crumble.

    The government and illegal aliens don’t obey the law.

    Why should Americans?

    You cannot vote for freedom because the US is not a democracy. The election machines can be hacked.

    You wouldn’t pay money to the mafia. Why should you give money to the government?

    Don’t get marriage licenses, birth certificates, business licenses, passports, driver licenses, or fishing licenses. Don’t register for the draft or fill out census forms.

    Don’t obey the law. If straws are illegal, use a straw. If baseball hats are illegal, wear a baseball cap.

    Stop paying taxes.

    The elites can’t kill us all. There are not enough jails.

    Drop out today. Go Galt. Go off the grid.

    Americans shouldn’t walk around like everything is fine when the US is bankrupt warmongering police state.

    Silence means consent.

    The blood from US wars and tyranny is on your hands. Don’t you feel any guilt? Is anyone responsible for anything?


    Pass the word.

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