As It Turns Out, Socialist Politicians Can Be Crooks Too – IOTW Report

As It Turns Out, Socialist Politicians Can Be Crooks Too


Attention all you empty-headed Millenials. Socialist politicians are no better than capitalist politicians. Despite your romantic infatuation with them and the ideology they’re spewing, as it turns out, socialist politicians can be just as corrupt just as crooked as any politicians anywhere else in the world.

Case in point: Three members of the “Squad” — that eclectic group of freshmen congresswomen who claim allegiance to socialism and socialist policies — are all under investigation for committing financial crimes either before or after they took office.

The Daily Caller has a summary of what Reps. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilham Omar are accused of — less than a year after they took office.

Ocasio-Cortez and her former campaign chair Saikat Chakrabarti were appointed to hold two of the PAC’s three board seats in December 2017, but the Federal Election Commission was never notified of the affiliation between her campaign and Justice Democrats.

Multiple former FEC commissioners told the Daily Caller News Foundation that Ocasio-Cortez could face civil or criminal penalties for failing to disclose her campaign’s affiliation to the outside PAC.

“At minimum, there’s a lot of smoke there, and if there are really only three board members and she and [Chakrabarti] are two of them, sure looks like you can see the blaze,” said former FEC Chairman Brad Smith.


7 Comments on As It Turns Out, Socialist Politicians Can Be Crooks Too

  1. Socialists are not only by definition crooks, they can also be the biggest crooks of all when you consider they rob entire countries blind. Why do you think they are so eager to rob the biggest prize on the planet… the United States of America???

  2. Well, when they saw how danged easy it was to dupe the voters to get elected, why should they stop at there? If I had even a smidgen of larceny in my heart, I’d run for office too.

    (Nope, not one iota of larceny. Too small a crime for eternal damnation.)


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