Pope Cites French Epic Poem to Prove Christianity Is as Violent as Islam – IOTW Report

Pope Cites French Epic Poem to Prove Christianity Is as Violent as Islam


The indefatigable apologist for Islam Pope Francis on Monday issued yet another mea culpa to Muslims, saying: “A scene from The Song of Roland comes to me as a symbol, when the Christians defeat the Muslims and line them up in front of the baptismal font, with one holding a sword. And the Muslims had to choose between baptism or the sword. That is what we Christians did.”

Was it really? The Song of Roland is actually a work of fiction, a French epic poem loosely based on the Battle of Roncevaux Pass between Muslim invaders and Christian defenders in the year 778. As The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS shows, in the eleventh century, three hundred years after the battle, The Song of Roland appeared, describing the heroism of Charlemagne’s nephew Roland, who is leading the rear guard of Charlemagne’s forces and is caught up in the Muslim ambush.

Roland has an oliphant, a horn made of an elephant’s tusk, which he can use to call for help, but he initially declines to do so, thinking it would be cowardly. Finally, Roland does blow his horn. Charlemagne, way ahead of the rear guard, nonetheless hears Roland’s horn and hurries back, but it is too late: Roland and his men are dead, and the Muslims victorious. Charlemagne, however, pursues and vanquishes the Muslims, and captures Saragossa.

Thus the legend. The Song of Roland was enormously popular and inculcated in the Christians who sang and celebrated it what came to be known (in the European Middle Ages) as knightly virtues: loyalty, courage, and perseverance, even in the face of overwhelming odds. These were virtues that would be needed if Europe was to hold out against the ever-advancing jihad. read more

40 Comments on Pope Cites French Epic Poem to Prove Christianity Is as Violent as Islam

  1. Not being Catholic, I never bothered too much worrying about the idiocy that comes out of this guy’s mouth. And not one to question anyone’s faith or the application thereof I figured his re-education and comeuppance is better handled by other Catholics. But his crap theology has not done any Christians any good. I wish he would limit his opinions to the ecumenical realm with an emphasis on glorifying God only.

  2. I was a lifelong Catholic for 55 years. Then Pope Frank began uttering bizarre word-vomit.
    *Gay marriage? Who am I to judge?
    *Capitalism is evil
    *Climate change is real
    *Mohammedans are nice folks

    It pissed me off to no end. I started looking at other branches of Christianity and am now a happily Born Again Suthren Baptist

  3. So Christians may or may not have committed a heinous act 1300 years ago, and somehow that exonerates the Muslims for the equally heinous acts they commit today? God please remove this false pope.

  4. “If the Evil One comes, he will wear the robes of a priest.”

    But this clown is overplaying his hand so badly, he makes you want the mooselimbs to behead him, just to show that they don’t need fools like him working for their side.

  5. Revelation 13: 5-8 The beast had a loud mouth boastful and blasphemous. It could do anything it wanted for forty-two months.

    How many months has this cocksucker been yapping?

    This is why I haven’t gone to a Catholic mass in years. I’m too ashamed to go.

  6. The Church has made a giant ROP change. The Pope has been a Communist for 40 years. His support for:Castro, Chavez, Guevara et.al. was out in the open 20 years ago. Electing him (what the “Holy Smoke” is all about) is/was clear evidence that “A New church” was born!

    His ROP position fits in with the Bush Clan NWO position. It may be Bobby was premature 55 years ago, “… themes they are a changing…”. But clearly our “elite” do not love America nor its founders!

  7. Illegal immigrants are bad for the USA because they use welfare, take jobs, don’t obey the law, and diversity makes the country weaker.

    On the other, illegal aliens pay sales taxes and reduce the costs of products by driving down wages.

    Maybe immigrants wouldn’t be so bad if the USA had reciprocal work visas with other countries.


    Even though the US is no longer a democracy and the elites will ignore Americans who are opposed to illegal immigration, Americans can still resist illegal immigration by getting illegal immigrants to self-deport.

    Why not ask illegals to leave? Make them uncomfortable. Don’t be friends with them. Don’t rent to them. Don’t hire illegals. Don’t give them rides. Don’t give them money.

    The US is a nanny state. This nanny state is a nightmare for the US, but Americans can use it against illegal immigrants.

    Contact the police if you see an illegal immigrant loitering, vandalizing, begging, harassing girls, littering, playing loud music, drinking in public, using a leaf-blower, or keeping chickens. Make life hell for illegal immigrants.


    Pass the word.

  8. I am Catholic, not embarassed just pissed off; I suggest Ann Barnhardt can clear your thinking about Faux Francis – He Is Not the Pope! Benedict is and he is a coward for trying to slide out, but never left the seat and – well read Ann, she’s a lot! smarter than I.

  9. Pope Francis clearly doesn’t know the difference between the Christian principles taught in the Bible and the history of the Popes and the Catholic church during the medieval era. Two very different things.

  10. iow. What the attrosities done by Catholics during medieval times was the opposite of Biblical Christians principles. vs the attrosities done by the Mahamidisns, which was in accordance with the princies in the Koran & Islam. Fake Christians vs True Muslims

  11. Right there is why the claim that a pope, a human bean, is infallible is insultingly stupid.

    The Pope is nothing more than the bishop of Rome, and if you want to hear stories about stupid bishops, history holds THOUSANDS of them.


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