9 More Shot Dead as Protesters in Iraq Now Calling for Revolution – IOTW Report

9 More Shot Dead as Protesters in Iraq Now Calling for Revolution

PJM: Whatever reasons protesters in Iraq originally took to the streets to express their frustration with the government hve now been tossed aside and outright revolution has become their goal.

The demonstrations all across Iraq began last month, triggered by the graft and corruption of the political class. But as many of their number were gunned down in the streets by snipers believed to be a part of the Iranian-controlled Shia militias, the crowds are now demanding nothing less than an overturning of the entire political system, starting with election laws that perpetrate the corruption.

These are Shia kids dying in the street, children of the post-Saddam revolution that saw Shiites go from being second class citizens to dominating the government. But with youth unemployment at 30 percent and intermittent electrical and water service making their lives frustrating and difficult, many of them don’t care what religious sect is in charge, they want change.

But the Shia establishment, in the pocket of the Iranians who control Iraqi policy through them, will not go quietly. They are murdering their own citizens in the streets and the rising body count is a testament to the courage and staying power of the protesters. read more

12 Comments on 9 More Shot Dead as Protesters in Iraq Now Calling for Revolution

  1. Graft and corruption never lasts – a lesson that our own ‘rulers’ would be well advised to learn.

    We should get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. If they become terrorist sponsors again we can reduce them to sand and leave…no rebuilding, no nothing. We have wasted enough blood and treasure already.

    Good luck to the revolution. May they overthrow their mullah overlords. 20 centuries from now, if we’re still on the face of the earth, no doubt they’ll still be fighting.

  2. You say you want a revolution? Oh yeah! But do you want to get shot in the head and have every member of your family arrested and tortured because you wanted a revolution? Terror works for the terrorists, until the people finally accept that they are going to pay a tremendous price for their freedom. This might happen next week or next year. Maybe never. Look to history for the answer to this question. Then accept that every uprising is subjected to different forces. In Iran, religion and terror have a tremendous influence on every aspect of any dissent that opponents to this theocracy have raised. Thank you Jimmy for thinking that you could make this all better with a really thoughtful response to Islamic terrorism. And thank you, George W Bush for thinking that you could bring democracy to Iraq. Never going to happen.

  3. the US never should have gone in.

    Years of wasted $, lives & time for the place to remain a shit hole.

    Trump is right to not want to waste Western lives in shitholes.

    HILLARY on the other hand sees these situations as an opportunity to skim, grift, and peddle.

  4. “We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery. Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we have received from our gallant ancestors. . . . We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them, if we basely entail hereditary bondage upon them. . . . [We are] with one mind resolved to die freemen rather than to live slaves.” ~ Thomas Jefferson, John Dickenson

    approved by United States Continental Congress, 1775

    “We pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” ~ Declaration of Independence

    I thank God every day for giving us such Giants that created this nation … it is such a rarity in human existence … & being eroded precipitously … today’s citizens denizens willingly hand over power in exchange for temporary comfort

    every country must do for themselves. they are the ultimate arbiters of their fate

  5. American taxpayers flushed $hudreds of billions down the toilet “nation building” here the first 9 years of this century! My grand kids will still be paying the bonds we sold to finance “nation building”.
    The man who did this ran on an ANTI NATION BUILDING platform in ’00! A degenerate President. “Read my lips!”! Acorn fall near the tree! Both father + son reprobates.

  6. @Crackerbaby November 25, 2019 at 11:34 pm

    > If PDJT is not successful, this is where we are headed.

    Don’t worry! In 2024 we’ll elect Don Jr. And by 2032, we’ll have (some sort of, could pass for) that wall built. No way are we letting filthy brown people end OUR massas’ corruption! Murhica!

  7. @ol exJarhead November 26, 2019 at 5:53 am

    > My grand kids will still be paying the bonds we sold to finance “nation building”.

    If you’d rather sell them into (including sex toy) slavery, rather than confess your stupidity, who am I to judge?

  8. Anonymous:

    1)Bomb the living shit out of their armies & terrorists from above.
    2) Don’t invite “them” into your contry.

    3) let them start up the IRAN vs IRAQ thing again.

    4) Sell weapons to both sides.

    Also & respectfully, just think of what that $$$ could have accomplished spent inside the USA trying to fix places like Chicago especially if the Democrats would get out of the way.

    I think that is along the lines on “ex ol Jarhead” thoughts.


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