Study On Dog Aging Seeking 10,000 Wet Nosed Volunteers – IOTW Report

Study On Dog Aging Seeking 10,000 Wet Nosed Volunteers

KCCI Des Moines CBS8

On this we can all agree: The lifespan of a dog is far too short. The Dog Aging Project hopes to change that.

Researchers are hoping to study a group of 10,000 dogs over the course of 10 years to see whether they can improve the life expectancy of canines and their overall quality of life.

Dogs’ lives are six to 12 times shorter than that of humans, according to a study by the Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

The researchers, which include teams from the University of Washington School of Medicine and the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, are being funded by the National Institute of Aging, a division the National Institutes of Health. More

Contact information (to enroll your own canine friend) and more detail on the study Here

8 Comments on Study On Dog Aging Seeking 10,000 Wet Nosed Volunteers

  1. Maybe ending the wars might reduce the number of refugees.

    Maybe encouraging others to stop paying taxes will reduce the amount of money the government has to fight wars.

    Consider moving to a white country or state that has no brown people or Muslims.

    The world might be a happy paradise if everyone was white, but sending most of the world to concentration camps just doesn’t seem likely.

  2. My dog the neighbours dog and some calico cat like to hang out. When i walk into the yard they get quiet and stare at me it gives me the willies.I think they take my f150 for rides while i am sleeping too.


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