President Trump signs animal cruelty bill into law, making it a federal felony – IOTW Report

President Trump signs animal cruelty bill into law, making it a federal felony

Tell me again, leftards, how Trump is the first president in awhile not to have a dog in the White House, implying that he’s cold and callous toward animals.

Once again, Trump proving he is not at all what the hellbent on socialism, evil left, says he is.

This could have been a bill any time the left were in control, but it wasn’t.


Animal cruelty has officially become a federal felony after President Donald Trump signed the bill into law on Monday afternoon.

The bipartisan bill, Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, criminalizes certain acts of animal cruelty. The bill was passed in the Senate by unanimous decision on Nov. 5 after being approved in the House in late October.

“Passing this legislation is a major victory in the effort to stop animal cruelty and make our communities safer,” Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., said earlier this month when the bill, which Toomey sponsored along with Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., passed in the Senate. “Evidence shows that the deranged individuals who harm animals often move on to committing acts of violence against people. It is appropriate that the federal government have strong animal cruelty laws and penalties.”

The bill, introduced in the House by Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Fla., and Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., is an expansion on the 2010 Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act, which made the creation and distribution of “animal crushing” videos illegal.

The underlying acts, which were not included in the 2010 bill, are part of the PACT Act.


ht/ md

26 Comments on President Trump signs animal cruelty bill into law, making it a federal felony

  1. While I admire the sentiment behind this addition to an already bloated Federal Register, I have been unable to discover how this issue falls anywhere within the Constitutional purview of the U.S. Government. It most certainly has legitimate claim to those of State and Local governments.

    My fear, and prediction, is that it will simply become one more tool in an oppressive administrative state’s arsenal.


  2. judgeroybean
    NOVEMBER 25, 2019 AT 8:19 PM
    “Well duh! Obama and Clinton both brought dogs into the White House. Didja think they were going to divorce them after being elected?”


    Dogs are LOYAL and USEFUL and BRAVE and HELPFUL and CUTE LOVABLE and GOOD and and know, things that no DEMOCRAT, and in particular Hillary and whatever that is that kept tugging its penis around Barry, are NOT and can NEVER be.

    …why you hate DOGS? You just insulted the HELL out of them, and that’s not EASY with a creature that occasionally eats its own vomit and may consider a litter box a snack tray, but you found a way, and I think you owe dogs an apology…

  3. So abortion is not equal to animal cruelty? No federal felony to be cruel to babies? Oh, but in the womb they are only globs of tissue, not human life? Very hypocritical. Even Trump caves to liberal pressure. Sad as CFA caving, only much, much worse. Too bad it’s not satire from the Babylon Bee. No criticism here, just silence?

    “President Trump signs animal cruelty bill into law, making it a federal felony”

  4. Joe6, my grandfather stopped butchering his own beef in the mid/late 60’s because of the chatter in state and county government questioning the hygiene and proper waste disposal. Said it wasn’t worth having to deal with bureaucrats and trailered his beef to a processor. I vaguely remember him slaughtering them. Not pretty.

  5. Different Tim, I would likely make the same decision. But there’s a bunch of farmers, and ranchers, that think they do a fine job and don’t need government looking over their shoulder.

  6. What about that mosquito that’s about to bite me…is is cruel to crush it with my palm?
    What if my rat trap doesn’t instantly kill the rat?
    What if the deer I shoot while hunting doesn’t die instantly?
    What are the limits?

  7. Now I am worried as I have been chosen to carve the Thanksgiving Turkey but don’t want to get in trouble with Uncle Sam and Aunt Hillary! I told cousin Festus that we should have gotten a frozen one!

  8. A local woman was discovered Sunday morning lying dead on her driveway next to her car. She had been attacked and bitten to death by a group of feral hogs. Here in Texas, the feral hog problem is growing and everyone is encouraged to kill every one they see. I killed a 200 pound boar a few weeks ago near my deer stand. After I have filled my freezer with venison, I will be hunting the hogs at night with a silenced 300 Blackout rifle with a night vision scope. It’s legal in Texas to do this because it’s all out war on the hogs. You can’t imagine the damage they do and virtually any means is legal to eliminate them. I’ll be headed into the woods before the sun comes up tomorrow and you can bet I’ll be prepared for hog attacks.

  9. Don’t take this for thinking I’m some sort of namsy Pansy Libtard. I’m not. Halal meat, butcher them while they’e still alive? Fuck that. How about those slaughter house videos with the fork lifts scooping up live cows. You can see the fear in their eyes. Fuck that too. Kill them quick, butcher them, send me a good Tritip and the worlds good. I have no problem with this legislation, particularly because in reality it was aimed at pets and pet owners.

  10. Joe6Pak, the concern you express is not unreasonable. Every time a liberal basic platform gets legalized, it is only the beginning of the ultimate agenda. There is always a controlling society purpose that is behind the “one” law. That is what happened to the original homosexual agenda and look at how it has expanded so much that it is now not stopping. Think banning animal slaughter for meat won’t happen? It is already on the “chopping block.”

    Slaughter-Free Meat Is An Answer To Our Cruel And Broken Food System
    By Jacy Reese happen?

  11. “Evidence shows that the deranged individuals who harm animals often move on to committing acts of violence against people.” Halal? Muzzies? Females, FGM? More muzzies? Maybe enforcing existing laws that muzzies routinely violate should be considered.

  12. It will make it a federal crime for “any person to intentionally engage in animal crushing if the animals or animal crushing is in, substantially affects, or uses a means or facility of, interstate or foreign commerce,” according to a fact sheet of the bill.

    I like many others here have reservations about this bill, I would like a tighter definition, in the Portion above, I definitely could see some mad vegan bureaucrat, using this law to crush ranchers and meat producers.
    I have not read the entire bill and I am not a lawyer so can’t say for certain how the courts and future government a**holes might interpret and abuse this law.the spirit is right but the devil may be in the details.

  13. How about making pulling a living animal apart to kill it while pulling it out of a female’s womb a federal felony? Although liberals won’t admit that the heart-beating biological object in the womb is a baby, how can they deny it is indeed an alive animal? So it was possible to refuse to accept this bill as it was written. Maybe some actual courage by a wimp President. In Oregon right now, abortion has been declared legal right up to the moment of birth. And this does not mean a caring, gentle, in one piece removal from the womb. Now, wouldn’t any decent, morally minded man stand up and object to this killing procedure? Especially if he held a position of influence? Does not this human animal have at least the same value as a dog?

  14. i want to read the bill word for word. Having never trusting democrats I cannot help but thinks that they ncluded words that protect themselves from cruel. And only themselves. They have certain characteristics that resemble rabid animal patterns. Snapping their jaws, growling, running in a pack.
    You see what I man?

  15. Im surprised that democrats supported this. Having lived across the south, the largest amount of animal cruelty?….cock and dog fighting.
    And which groups participate in this the most? Hispanics overwhelmingly run cock fighting across the US. Blacks seems to like dog fighting.

    AS to federal authority. The 10th was overturned in 1860. It was proven by the sword that the Federal Government has final authority over everything. But you can still enjoy the pretty words on the old hemp parchment.

  16. All you GD whiners on here ought to get a grip! This little law isn’t going to take away your Constitutional Rights! The Constitution is violated every day by government bastards, like Schit, Paloser, Clinton etal! And yet nothing has happened to any of those SWINE. That’s the parts of the Constitution you should be concerned about?

    I’m a Combat Veteran whom has seen my share of human depravity against domesticated animals and humans by their fellow man and I think anybody that tortures a poor domesticated animal for kicks and for no reason, whether it be the slaughterhouse or your house, ought to be treated just like you treated the animal.

    My Husky saved my life and I’d F kill anybody who harmed my DOG!If somebody mistreats an animal, a cat, a dog, or an animal in the barn yard, I seriously think that I could kill a bastard like that! That’s why I love this President, he acts on his instincts which are right on the money 99 pct of the time!!Good on you, SIR!!HUA

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