Jezebel Site Keeps It Real Classy – Wellness Advice For Your “*$$hole” – IOTW Report

Jezebel Site Keeps It Real Classy – Wellness Advice For Your “*$$hole”

Maybe the article would have a smidgen of merit had they said “rectum.” But these cretins can’t help but be crass… they’re crassholes.


Last night, while engaging in my favorite evening activity—procrastinating and feeling morally superior on Twitter—I stumbled upon a viral tweet that read, “People out here butt-chugging sunlight,” and included a screenshot of the above Instagram image

In the post, she explains that “30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on,” and that it is “an ancient Taoist practice that’s been around for a while!” (Yes, because that is what “ancient” means.) A few weeks after her initial post, presumably because more and more people went to her page to comment after finding various jokes about it online, Metaphysical Meagan posted the photo on Instagram for a second time, now with an outrageously long caption meant to correct any misinformation. She explains that suntanning your asshole is meant to promote the “health & longevity of the physical body,” increase “creativity and creative output” and aid “in a healthy libido & balanced sexual energy.” It is definitely “NOT TO TAN YOUR BUTTHOLE‼️‼️” Also, “sunscreen is not required.”


I’m not linking Jezebel, just attributing.

If you want to see the NSFW account of the wellness loon… go HERE.

Also, 30 seconds of sunlight on a butthole is how democrat presidential candidates go down in flames.

h.t “you first” 

23 Comments on Jezebel Site Keeps It Real Classy – Wellness Advice For Your “*$$hole”

  1. 2500 followers on twits for twats ???
    There are a lot of people in this world that
    don’t have a life.Just finished 8 hours
    fishing on a boat,left my flip phone at
    the dock…

  2. @BFH – It doesn’t look like Meagan is sunning her rectum, which is the tail end, so to speak, of the intestine. It’s inside. Unless in some other photo she’s bent well over and is vigorously spreading her cheeks, she’s sunning her anus.

    Up inside there is, after all, where the sun don’t shine.

    Oh, yeah, and she’s a loony all right.

  3. Just like prison inmates, Americans are turning on each other rather than attacking the prison guards that are enslaving us.

    Part of the reason the US is collapsing now is that Americans have tunnel vision and are being distracted and divided about what the biggest problem is.

    Some Americans think the main issue is illegal immigrants, homosexuals, statues, saluting the flag, or Russian election hacking when the real problem is that the elites control the corporations, the media, and the government and have turned the USA into a bankrupt warmongering police state.

    Unless the 99% unites and agrees the real enemy is the ruling class that has rigged and corrupted the US, the 1% will continue their destruction until there is an economic crash, civil war, WWIII, and Americans end up in concentration camps.

    Wake up.


    Spread the word.

  4. I read the Lao Tzu’s “Tao te Ching” in my youth.

    Admittedly, it has been nearly 50 years, but I don’t recall the chapter on buttholes.

    Something stinks.

    izlamo delenda est …


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