Eric Holder ‘Frustrated’ Barack Obama Did Not Encourage His Presidential Aspirations – IOTW Report

Eric Holder ‘Frustrated’ Barack Obama Did Not Encourage His Presidential Aspirations


Former Attorney General Eric Holder is “frustrated” former President Barack Obama did not emphatically encourage his presidential aspirations, those close to Holder and familiar with his thinking say.

Holder, who has warned Democrats to be “wary of attacking the Obama record,” was reportedly “frustrated” that Obama, who he considers a close friend, did not actively encourage his presidential aspirations.

Obama has remained notably silent throughout the Democrat primary  – a development that should come to no surprise to those closely following the race. The former president signaled he would not endorse a primary candidate or speak out in an overly critical manner of any of the presidential hopefuls. According to Politico, Obama views his role as “providing guardrails to keep the process from getting too ugly and to unite the party when the nominee is clear.”

Obama has, largely, stuck to that strategy, refusing to endorse his former running mate Joe Biden (D) and refraining from encouraging the presidential aspirations of his “close friend” Holder, who teamed up with Obama’s Organizing For Action to create the All On The Line campaign, a redistricting project “aimed at thwarting the use of so-called gerrymandering across the country.”

While reports, as recently as early November, indicated Holder was still mulling a last-minute presidential bid, the doors are slowly closing. Politico reported Holder was reportedly “frustrated” Obama did not encourage his plans for a presidential bid, with a source close to Holder telling the outlet that “he’s [Holder’s] still pretty sensitive about it.” read more

26 Comments on Eric Holder ‘Frustrated’ Barack Obama Did Not Encourage His Presidential Aspirations

  1. Hey Eric!, you still got contacts at State, CIA, elsewhere. You can make fifty times a presidential salary without the oversight running guns to central/south america. And you got the chops established! Go for it man, not like anybody going to be looking over your shoulder.

  2. Wisdom, acquired over time, forced me to delete a previous post about these democrats. It went on for several paragraphs.

    It’s all for the best. But you know what I was thinking.

    End of transmission.

  3. “Obama, who he considers a close friend”

    What a fool. Obama doesn’t have any friends, only people that use him and people he uses.

    We already have enough morons hanging out with Louis Farrakhan. Anti-semitic muslim racist traitor. What a dolt.


    Writing of frustrations and delays and gunrunning and rumrunning and Offices of Management and Budget UKRANIAN MONEYRUNNING USAID and fishing trips and naval trips. . .and Evelyn Nicolette Farkas.

    Weak Atlantic Watered Soup Renaissance Self Admiration Society Bookwriter flogging fishy fables on stink sauced msNBC Mika Emilie Leonia Brzezinski Scardborough mourning beggar European Family Funding drives no one seems willing to read frequencies.

    James George Stavridis, friend of Capt. McCain, is a wealthy former Navy admiral with penmenship who is also an Operating Executive with The Carlyle Group and Chair of the Board of Counselors at McLarty Associates. In 2018 Stavridis quit as dean of the Fletcher Memorial School of Law and Diplomacy, a grad school designed for foreign meddling in foreign affairs when newer, more profitable avenues of American ATM Treasury programming could be setup for automatic direct deposits into USAID NGO accounts that could be withdrawn and spread to fellow deep-sea grifters with cryptastic DNC ATM DEBIT BITCOIN CARDS. Try and trace it.

    Mighty Sailorman Stavridis also serves Masters like Andrea “CNN Sucks” Mitchell as the chief international diplomacy and national security MONEY analyst expert diverter for NBC Newspeak in Southern Districts of New York.

    End of transmission.

  5. Obama has always been too self absorbed to give a flip about anyone but himself. He couldn’t risk endorsing anybody and chance that they might outshine him.
    This article shows just how stupid Holder is. Claims to be a very close friend and yet isn’t perceptive enough to see Obama for the extreme narcissist he is, it’s not like it wasn’t glaringly obvious..

  6. Sessions recused himself from the Russia hoax, dragging the country through two years of unmitigated bullshit, because he shook someone’s hand at an event for Senators acting in their official capacities to avoid any appearance of impropriety or favoritism.

    But Best Butt Buddy and “Wing Man” attorney general who “didn’t take this job to investigate his own race” is A-OK.

    The ego on this mustachioed commie fuck.


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