Perpetually Stupid Alyssa Milano Tweets Outrage That Should Have Been Tweeted in 2015 – IOTW Report

Perpetually Stupid Alyssa Milano Tweets Outrage That Should Have Been Tweeted in 2015


On Monday, alerted that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had arrested roughly 250 students since January on immigration violations as part of a sting operation involving a fake university, actress Alyssa Milano, a fervent opponent of ICE, tweeted, “OH MY GOD. ICE has arrested about 250 students who were enrolled at a fake university set up by ICE to lure in students.”

Someone might alert Milano —a strident voice consistently ripping the Trump administration for its immigration policy — of one little fact: the University of Farmington in Michigan was created during the Obama Administration in 2015. The sting operation was code-named “Paper-Chase.”


There’s so much the black Jesus got away with without any lefty outrage because no one paid attention after they performed their ultimate wokeness and virtue signaling – voting in the Kenyan.

10 Comments on Perpetually Stupid Alyssa Milano Tweets Outrage That Should Have Been Tweeted in 2015

  1. She’ll find out that “wokeness” doesn’t pay much. She may need to set up a date with Harvey Weinstein, or someone like him, to land a role in a movie that more than a hundred people would pay to see her “performing” in.

  2. I’m liking some of the opportunities these nutjobs have created. Go read some of the bullcrap legal proceedings against private prisons regarding unfair treatment at detention centers. None of those cases will be won by the crazies. Meanwhile it’s cratered the stock prices of these growing, high paying dividend companies and I’m backing up the truck and loading up.

  3. Makes sense that Obama would set that up. Immigrants who want to educate themselves and become successful and self sufficient members of our society are the very types that Obama and the rest of the democrats don’t want in this country.


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