Biden’s No Malarkey Campaign Slogan Flops – New Ones Being Tested – IOTW Report

Biden’s No Malarkey Campaign Slogan Flops – New Ones Being Tested

No Malarkey isn’t resonating with voters. So Joe Biden has vowed to go back to the blackboard and come up with a winner.

iOTWreport has obtained an internal memo listing some of Joe’s efforts.

Phooey On Hooey

Just Say No To Shenanigans

We Won’t Stand For Any Hokum

Resist the Flapdoodle

Stop the Poppycock

Enough Guff

The Era of Codswallop is Done

Hey, Hey. Ho, Ho. Tommyrot Has Got To Go!

74 Comments on Biden’s No Malarkey Campaign Slogan Flops – New Ones Being Tested

  1. If joe bidens wife really loved him, she would take him home. She must be an evil, conniving bitch herself, with motives that are not completely honorable. There is no other explanation.

  2. “back in my day we didn’t have all this lollygagging folderol ya bunch ah persnickety dewdroppers! we wouldn’t take an wooden nickels either. no siree, I’ve been to a few Sockdollagers in my time.

    “see my Jill? man, what a Tomato, you bet! she ain’t no Dumb Dora, she’s a real Hotsy-Totsy … she really goes at it when we make whoopie!

    “you kids are swell. yep, you all are the Bee’s knees. I’m no old Fuddy Duddy, ya know … I got Moxie! I’ve been around the old tree stump a time or two in my day. now shape up or ship out ya bunch a fat heads!”

  3. Next, Joe will tell us campfire stories from Valley Forge.
    Hey Joe, sit down and let Jill talk until she starts slurring words, then you can talk, when you start souring words, she can take over.

  4. I”m Joe…what you see is what you get… I’m the real deal…except my hair. Oh, and my teeth. But other than that, I’m for real. Did I mention the metal plate in my head?

  5. Uh, yeah. Joe’s kinda been mentally challenged for quite awhile now. Has no clue. His wife has no clue Joe has no clue. Not exactly a winning strategy. But, hey, YOU GO JOE!


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