YouTube CEO on 60 Minutes Discusses the Removal of Trump Ads – IOTW Report

YouTube CEO on 60 Minutes Discusses the Removal of Trump Ads

Crowder was used as an example of hate.

21 Comments on YouTube CEO on 60 Minutes Discusses the Removal of Trump Ads

  1. the answer to these mental midgets is to ask them to define ‘hate’

    ’cause throughout history your average European & average West Asian or north African didn’t have a problem w/ the elimination of the Jews … the Germans made a national objective of it in the 20th Century … is that ‘hate’?

    seriously, I want to know. is this comparable to anything Steve Crowder might say? what Donald Trump might say? what I might say?

    these people are deathly afraid of opposing words, of opposing ideas. it’s why they won’t debate. it’s why they shout down. it’s why they resort to violence. in the end, it’s all they have as persuasion … the power of the mob … the power of an overbearing, omnipresent government

    Rome, under the Emperors, lasted about 500 years. the Soviet Union about 70. Cuba is dying. Venezuela ‘socialism’ is a collapsing nightmare, witnessed across the globe. Nazi Germany was obliterated less than 20 years into the Thousand Year Reich. China is the one ‘glorious’ New World Order we have … time will tell (I don’t see any US shitweasel d’rats moving to China, do you?)

    they don’t want to solve problems, they just want pretend to have the answers & will punish the ‘unbelievers’ to advance their power over the ‘unenlightened’ masses … there are enough ignoramuses’ being cranked out by the ‘educational’ system to eat their daily dose of soma (social media; get it? SOcial MediA)

    prepare for the time when they shut all of us down … it’s coming

  2. Because I was in the middle of cooking and I could’nt change the channel, I witnessed this absurdity. I also witnessed two Bloomberg commercials where he claimed that he saved New York City after 9/11. No Guilliani didn’t do it! Bloomberg did? My wife asked why I screamed, “Bullshit!” with my ear buds in.

  3. Since YT is removing harmful content it won’t be long before the videos advocating mental illness toward children will disappear… any day now… Oh, that’s right, the SPLC thinks harm comes from those not advocating mental illness. Weird how most things I think should be one way by common sense are the complete opposite. Unfortunately for me it looks like over time in shock therapy.

  4. 300 Trump ads were taken down.
    The report says in a voice-over politicians lie in ads and they show Trump ad about Biden/Ukraine.
    They also show Steven Crowder and Q videos on the screen as they call out Crowder for homophobic slur.

  5. Well, Mr. Pinko, link to the vid says;
    “This video contains content from CBS CID, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.
    Sorry about that.“
    How weird, right?

  6. …our algorithms, they don’t have any concept of understanding what’s a Democrat, what’s a Republican. We found those algorithms out in a field, under a tree. So they are pure, straight from nature and untainted by man.

  7. With a boneheaded loser like that as CEO of YouTube, I’m not surprised she does as she’s told by the globalist cabal. If it were up to her alone, she’d have no clue what to do but to watch kitty videos 24/7.

  8. At 0:49 she shows utter contempt at the mention of “conservatives”. Right now, the single best thing the Trump administration can do is throw a one-two punch at these modern-day Joseph Goebbels by doing one simple thing – open accounts on the Youtube/Twitter/Facebook’s competitors, i.e. Gab & DTube. This way the Leftists can censor all the content they want while hemorrhaging users who will run to the conservative competitors – in essence neutering the “Dramacrats” control of the flow of information.


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