White Man Steals Mic From A Black Buttigieg Supporter As Black Lives Matter Protesters Interrupt Meeting – IOTW Report

White Man Steals Mic From A Black Buttigieg Supporter As Black Lives Matter Protesters Interrupt Meeting

Daily Caller: A white man wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt swiped a microphone from a black city councilwoman Wednesday as the government official expressed her support for South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

“Where are the black leaders who don’t have three-piece suits, leather jackets and nice clothing?” the man yelled before chanting, “This is a farce,” repeatedly during an Indiana event. He interrupted Sharon McBride, a black South Bend Common Council member, as she talked about the mayor.

Several people who attended were holding Black Lives Matter signs.

Buttigieg reacted to the chaos. “It shows kind of where politics has come to, especially for somebody to interrupt an African American woman who was speaking about her truth and in her experience,” the Democrat told reporters Wednesday after the event. MORE

9 Comments on White Man Steals Mic From A Black Buttigieg Supporter As Black Lives Matter Protesters Interrupt Meeting

  1. is it just me or since the conservative forgotten majority has decided that being called a racist doesn’t mean anything anymore, that the left now has to try to out do each other in their race to become the biggest virtue signaler in town?


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