Adam Schiff Fails to Show Up at Impeachment Hearing – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff Fails to Show Up at Impeachment Hearing


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) failed to show up at the presentation of his own committee’s impeachment report at the House Judiciary Committee on Monday.

“The star witness failed to show up!” exclaimed Ranking Member Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA).

Schiff’s 300-page report, released last Tuesday afternoon, is the only “evidence” to be presented in the impeachment inquiry.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) instructed Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) last Thursday to begin drafting articles of impeachment on that basis.

But the man who has driven the impeachment inquiry for several months — primarily behind closed doors, in the Special Compartmentalized Information Facility (SCIF) in the basement of the U.S. Capitol — did not show up in person.

Ranking Member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) was present, as were counsel for both the majority and minority on the Intelligence Committee.

Collins observed: “Mr. Nunes is here! His staff is here! The leading headline is there: ‘Schiff Report’ — but where’s Mr. Schiff?” read more

18 Comments on Adam Schiff Fails to Show Up at Impeachment Hearing

  1. “Adam Schiff Fails to Show Up at Impeachment Hearing”

    S’OK, plenty of OTHER Democrat liars are there, Adam us busy booking flights to some extradition proof country or other and had to find someone who could spell “extradition” first, which isn’t easy with Democrats…

  2. He’s one Wily E. Coyote. He knows that he’s never going to catch Trump with one of his Acme Impeachment Kits. Better to hide in a cave and watch it on television. This whole farce is going to blow back like a time bomb with a short fuse.

  3. Double Tap. . .


    2019-12-05 Freedom Rings UD3H-0HIUKw

    A 2 hour and 5 minute Patriot Stream.
    Skip to 58 minutes and 45 seconds and WATCH and LISTEN.


    @ 1h12m22s or 72m22s or 4342s
    **He gave THEM the House and put a GIANT SPOTLIGHT on THEM and MAGNIFIED how retarded THEY are.
    . . .Bwaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaahahahahaha

    Triple Quadruple Tap

  4. ‘I had no reason to show up! The congressional representatives votes have already been tabulated, the impeachment needs to been carried out’
    ~a schiff(D)


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