Arrests and removals of illegal immigrants, a ‘majority’ convicts, up under Trump – IOTW Report

Arrests and removals of illegal immigrants, a ‘majority’ convicts, up under Trump


The Trump administration made good on its promise to boost arrests, detentions, and deportations of illegal immigrants convicted of crimes over the Obama administration, according to a new report.

In comparing the targeting of illegal immigrants under President Barack Obama and President Trump, the Government Accountability Office found that more were grabbed by the GOP administration and that a “majority” were convicted criminals.

However, with the surge in arrests, detentions, and deportations, more noncriminal illegal immigrants were targeted after Trump changed the Obama-era rules to stop prioritizing different populations of immigrants and giving several a pass.

According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement data analyzed by the GAO, arrests of illegal immigrants jumped from 112,870 in 2015 to 151,497 in 2018. read more

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