Members of NZ Military To Attempt Dangerous Body Recover Mission Tomorrow – IOTW Report

Members of NZ Military To Attempt Dangerous Body Recover Mission Tomorrow


A team of eight New Zealand military specialists will land on a small volcanic island just after first light Friday to attempt to retrieve the bodies of eight victims of an eruption that claimed eight other lives. New Zealand police said late Thursday the recovery attempt would go ahead even though scientists believe another eruption is possible on White Island. Steam and mud are emitting from its active vents and volcanic tremors are rising, volcanologists said. More

It seems almost daily that another survive dies from their burns received when the Island erupted earlier this week. Most recently, a pair of brothers from Chicago succumbed to their injuries, raising the death toll to 16. More

New Zealand medical authorities have ordered 120 square meters (about 1,292 square feet) of skin to treat those victims of the super heated gas and ash. More

24 Comments on Members of NZ Military To Attempt Dangerous Body Recover Mission Tomorrow

  1. Lazlo agrees with Uncle Al,
    I went to Mount Lassen a while back, the thought of how unpredictable volcanoes are got me thinking of how my chances of being eaten by tigers goes way down if I am assiduous about my avoidance of places that tigers might be.

  2. Why?

    If “explorers” decide to jump into a live volcano why would any government be willing to sacrifice the nonstupid for the remains of the stupid?

    These bravado infused retards paid good money to cremate themselves. Who are we to
    interfere with their last wishes? Did the Maiori send the NZs up the mountain with a bottle of their favorite sauce and a basting brush?

    They are American fed Prime, after all.

  3. I would argue that the NZ government owes the families of the victims an attempt to recover the bodies, for allowing anyone on the Island when it was so obviously a danger.

    Of course, I also expect a number of class action lawsuits are already being filed against the government and anyone else responsible for this. I’m not sure what kind of compensation victim’s families can expect in NZ courts. I imagine recovering the body of a loved one goes somewhat towards making up for their avoidable deaths.

  4. From Dr. Tar: “I would argue that the NZ government owes the families of the victims an attempt to recover the bodies, for allowing anyone on the Island when it was so obviously a danger.”

    Are you saying the government is the only (human) agency that recognized the danger of an active volcano? That the government knows things that people as individuals in this case cannot know?

    I disagree with you. It is never the role of government to prevent people from doing stupid things. Ever.

  5. @Redacted – great idea!


    Hey Unkie – can you do differential equations in your head without using that slide rule looped over your belt and the pens in your pocket protector?


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