Mo Brooks: ‘Obama Should Have Been Impeached’ Based on Democrats’ ‘Abuse of Power’ Standard – IOTW Report

Mo Brooks: ‘Obama Should Have Been Impeached’ Based on Democrats’ ‘Abuse of Power’ Standard


“Barack Obama should have been impeached,” according to the Democrats’ impeachment standard of “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress, determined Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) in an interview on Wednesday on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

Brooks highlighted the evolution of Democrats’ accusations of misconduct against Presidential Donald Trump in the context of their public musings of impeachment.

“When I first heard the articles of impeachment that the Democrats are proposing, I thought it was a joke or a trick,” Brooks said. “I mean, gosh, think back: Russian collusion. Well, that’s going to be in the articles of impeachment, isn’t it? Of course not because there’s no evidence to support it. Well, let’s go to Plan B. What was Plan B? He violated the Federal Election Commission rules by accepting a thing of value from the Ukrainian government. Whoops, that’s not in these articles of impeachment. No FEC violations. Okay, let’s go to Plan C. Number 3, bribery. The president committed bribery. These articles of impeachment don’t have bribery as a basis for impeachment.” read more

10 Comments on Mo Brooks: ‘Obama Should Have Been Impeached’ Based on Democrats’ ‘Abuse of Power’ Standard

  1. People worldwide are sick of globalist dictates across the board. Whether it’s muslim immigration and rape gangs, jihad, global warming, global trade, global anything.

    We want our countries back. It’s that simple.

  2. Entered WH with a gross worth of some $250,000.
    Left WH with a gross worth of some $40 Million.

    Hmmm …

    Saved out of the “butter-and-egg” money?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Did you listen to the first part of this interview? I realize that the focus of this post is the impeachment, but I am sickened by what the Ds are pushing through the House while the rest of us are focused on the circus of impeachment.

    The bill, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, has amnesty language in it. It also caps wages in order to drive down jobs that Americans would take in order to force bringing in illegal aliens.


    P.S. I scheduled a post about this later tonight.

  4. Absolutely correct that Obama should have been impeached. I will not argue that point. However, the majority party in the house did absolutely nothing to stop his agenda. They willingly went along with all his outrageous plans and programs and should be looking at impeachment for themselves. They are traitors to the conservative cause and deserve defenestration.


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