VA Democrat: Let National Guard Force Counties to Honor Gun Control – IOTW Report

VA Democrat: Let National Guard Force Counties to Honor Gun Control

His neck is almost as fat as his head.

55 Comments on VA Democrat: Let National Guard Force Counties to Honor Gun Control

  1. Sanctuary Counties for the Second Amendment–Call out the National Guard!
    Sanctuary Counties for illegal aliens–Welcome them with open arms (and wallets)


  2. Conservatives never want to obey the election results. If you want to keep the NRA’s hands stained with innocent blood then maybe you conserves should put down the beers and chicken wings and get out of your trailer parks and go vote. Because like they say elections have consequences. Meanwhile, why you people impotently bitch, we Dems are working hard to make all of us safe. Yes even for u conserves. And if the gov of VA has to forcibly remove dangerous firearms your clumsy and inept hands, so be it.

  3. Yeah, Libertard…I mean Libertine, feel free to knock on my door and demand I forfeit my Second Amendment rights and see what happens. Oh, Wait, you won’t do it yourself, like the cowardly leftists all over this nation, you will try to have someone else do it for you.

    And its the progressive left that never wants to obey election results. Which side has been protesting the legal election of President Trump for the last 3 years? Dumbass.

    Heads up, if you want to start the second civil war, that’s how to do it. And your side WILL lose.

    SAH B Woodman–yes, I think Libertine is serious.

  4. When you enter the National Guard, you swear an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, NOT the VA state constitution, and so you are oath-bound to uphold 2A. Also, the local national guard all already live those sanctuary counties and likely want to keep their privately owned firearms.

    So go ahead and call them out and we’ll see what happens.

  5. So Virginia can defy Federal law with regards to Illegal Immigration, but Counties can’t defy Virginia law negating Constitutionally recognized Rights?

    Sic Semper Tyrannis

  6. It’s hard to imagine the purpose in declaring yourself a Progressive Libertine and then come on to a mostly conservative website and insult the commenters there. At least he/she is no longer anonymous, so he/she has that going for them.

    “A libertine is one devoid of most moral principles, a sense of responsibility, or sexual restraints, which are seen as unnecessary or undesirable, especially one who ignores or even spurns accepted morals and forms of behaviour sanctified by the larger society.[1][2] Libertinism is described as an extreme form of hedonism.”

  7. I’ve served in the Guard. I can’t speak for the pogue units, but the combat arms units are universally composed of conservative gun owners, and many of us were combat veterans. Those are the only units capable of even contemplating gun confiscation, and you know what’s going to happen if you tell them to head out into the hills and take away people’s guns? They’re going to laugh at you. Then they’ll probably beat you for being a moron.

    Then you’ll send the pogues instead. And a few units of them – those stupid enough to try it – will get slaughtered. Then the rest will refuse to go at all.

    Save yourself the time and grief – and very possibly the stretched neck – and amend “j/k” to your suggestion. Moron.

  8. The Progressive Libertine would be a good name for a bar/whorehouse in Portland or Seattle. Now that I think about it, it could be a chain. Obama could put one in every liberal shithole. Hell, he could even add bathhouse facilities. What a disgusting thought, sorry bout that.

  9. @JMV December 13, 2019 at 4:59 pm

    > Oh, Wait, you won’t do it yourself, like the cowardly leftists all over this nation, you will try to have someone else do it for you.

    The failure of that “riposte”, is the pride “patriots” feel in paying those “someone elses” that do the work. In keeping those “someone elses” children safe — while those “someone elses” are out slaughtering “patriots”. In watching over those “someone elses” — while they sleep, and rest up for the next day’s slaughter of “patriots”.

    The Progressives™ are, indeed, cowards. Patriots™ take evil to a whole, other, level.

  10. Obama’s courts carved out this asshole’s wickedly gerrymandered safe Congressional district, much like they ousted Dave Brat in the 7th. That’s how he got elected. That’s how Spanberger got elected. Crooked.
    Before that Democrats carved out a state senate district for this idiot. His history is rising through the ranks of the liberal hierarchy. Like most liberals.

    Good news is that he is extremely ill and heaven doesn’t accommodate crooked carve outs.

    He’ll feel his temperature rising soon.

  11. I’ve never served in the military however I gather one of the first things they teach an officer is to never give an order you aren’t sure will be obeyed. Imagine the Governor calling out the National Guard to enforce an unconstitutional gun confiscation and the senior officers refuse. Worse yet, they do come out of barracks but they surround the Governor’s mansion and demand his resignation. I suspect no President would not interfere except to urge the Governor to step down. Those liberals that Progressive Libertine speaks so lovingly of wouldn’t even leave their houses when faced with reality.

  12. Anonymous DECEMBER 13, 2019 AT 5:50 PM

    I served. Did you have the balls to yourself? Or are you just flaunting your arrogance and hiding behind rights earned for you by the sacrifices by your betters? Your jabs at patriots make me suspect the latter. But then, you are the one who brought up Patriots.

    If you don’t like it here, feel free to immigrate to the leftist shithole of your choice. You won’t be missed. Just remember to cash that check from George Soros on your way out.

  13. VBI. Very Bad Idea. When I was in the Guard
    many a year ago I would have had a big problem
    with orders to sweep American Citizens homes.
    Do those assholes really want the war that
    this would probably cause? Do they think they are
    safe if things get froggy and the shooting starts?
    My God; They don’t have the sense to look at their
    own countrys’ history and where this goes.

  14. @JMV December 13, 2019 at 6:34 pm

    > If you don’t like it here, feel free to immigrate to the leftist shithole of your choice.

    You won’t even hire somebody to move me, for you!? I thought you better than that.

  15. The tree of liberty is getting mighty thirsty Mr Libtard. I’m thinking the National Guard would be much more useful blockading all the routes in and out of the urban liberal enclaves. Then we can watch the feral minorities rip you to shreds when the EBT cards run out.

  16. @Anonymous December 13, 2019 at 6:38 pm

    > They don’t have the sense to look at their
    > own countrys’ history and where this goes.

    And, what country would that be?

    Or, are you saying that these are Americans? The truest of Americans? More American than… well… anybody who’s not deplorable.

  17. Sadly this thread swerved sideways on an icy highway. Liberals sneak in and stir the pot. Because liberals are good at the art of satanic dystopianism. Sneaking about and sowing Chaos Is what they do.
    These intruders need to be ignored. They are meaningless. Insignificant.

  18. PH–

    True, but sometimes it’s fun to blow off a little steam by baiting them into exposing their ignorance and abject stupidity (yes, I know; redundancy alert). And they always seem to come back for more.

  19. @PHenry ~ I’m getting to the point where I ignore most ‘anonymous’ posts. I mean, what’s the point? am I reading one person’s opinion … 10 people’s opinions?

    they always come back w/ ‘well I don’t know who you are’ … true, but I’m the same person night in, night out.

    & I try never to answer progtard scum that come in to post. I make it a rule not to give spoiled children the attention they crave … it just feeds their little egos & tends to promote their stunted growth.

  20. “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face” –Mike Tyson

    Keep a short leash on this legislator and make him responsible for the results of his plan. Fully responsible.

  21. “When they get our guns they can have their world tyranny, while the
    government buys 1.6 billion bullets, armored vehicles, tanks,
    helicopters, predator drones, The Second Amendment
    isn’t there for duck hunting, it’s there to protect us from tyrannical
    government and street thugs.”

    Britain took the guns…Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao
    took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns,”
    he said, raising his voice and pointing a finger at the CNN host. “And
    I’m here to tell you. 1776 will commence again if you try to take our
    firearms! It doesn’t matter how many lemmings you have out there on
    the street begging for them to have their guns taken. We will not
    relinquish them. Do you understand?” Alex Jones

    Not a big Jones fan but, he is right.

  22. A message needs to be sent. People need to learn. Behavior needs to be modified. The Left won’t learn until they see a few of their own swinging from a lamp post. Or Pink Misted.

  23. “If you take EVERY government employee – .mil and .gov – who gets a paycheck and carries a government gun, total that number, and then divide it by the landmass of the lower 48, you get 1 “shooter” for every 1.25 square miles. Be of good cheer.”

  24. Fascists?
    You mean like people who use every excuse, every lie, every tyrannical maneuver they can come up with to go steal people’s rightfully owned property?
    Fascists sound an awful lot like libtards to me.

  25. Well Duh…………….maybe the National Guard guys may not show up and maybe they ARE gun owners. Watch what you ask for! If the NG says screw the governor who is gonna make THEM do shit!!!???


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