You think this woman is stupid? – IOTW Report

You think this woman is stupid?

The guy videoing is even dumber.

24 Comments on You think this woman is stupid?

  1. It is not uncommon in the third world to put highly volatile liquid fuel into whatever is handy (zip-loc style bags are popular). Lots of tragic gene pool cleansing as a result, but it doesn’t seem to make much difference.

    When a fuel truck or pipeline starts gushing, people don’t run away, they run to it with whatever container they can find — and cigarettes in their mouths, of course. If you google “fuel people burned”, you would probably find at least a couple of group “immolations” this year.

    The guy should have yelled out something, but that just isn’t today’s spectator culture. There’s always someone around to video it, but no one to help.

  2. YES, she’s stupid because she used plastic, should have asked for paper, it’s greener.

    “If only gas stations were nationalized, and we had authorized people pumping gas for patrons, this wouldn’t happen…….”

    Finally, a post I can agree with!

  3. Notice the apron. $5 says she works at that Kroger.

    Kind of depressing to see how stupid people can be. I think it’s more than being stupid, though.

    This woman looks Asian. Over 30 years of dealing with people and their ways in my business, every Asian woman I have dealt with has been dishonest and wants things for free. They will work you over and stiff you if they can. It’s only like 8 of them, but every freaking time. The Asian men have been normal. This woman is too cheap to spend a couple of dollars on a gas can and is willing to die for it. She grabbed the bags from her check-out station – FREE baby!

  4. After hurricane Harvey in Houston Texas managed to create a gas shortage for 4-6 weeks by running out and buying gas as if it would never exist again and we witnessed morons filling trash cans and buckets etc. It is amazing the sheer stupidity that exist.

  5. So I’m at Sam’s filling up the Thunberg Gas Guzzler 5000 and a teen girl asks me if I had trouble getting the nozzle into the filling hole as she is. She’s trying to jam a diesel nozzle into her Kia. I nearly pissed myself. Poor kid. I did explain the difference and help her out though as she didn’t have a coexist or Sanders sticker on her car.

  6. @WDS
    My neighbor filled her Audi with diesel last summer. Not knowing she did this, her husband asked me to look at her car to see why it wouldn’t start. I looked it over and didn’t see anything obvious. It would try to start, and run really rough at idle, with no power when I pressed the pedal, and it smoked really bad. No OBDII error codes. I told him it was beyond my ability to diagnose.
    They towed it to a dealership which finally diagnosed it and flushed the fuel system.
    It was amazing that the fuel injection vaporized the diesel enough that it still tried to run.
    They found out the local station had installed the wrong nozzle on the diesel pump, which would fit in both the gasoline and diesel fuel inlets. Because of that, the insurance company saw it as “accidental” and covered the cost of repair.

  7. Grocery bags are made from polyethylene, which has good chemical resistance to gasoline and ethanol. If they were made from polystyrene they would have melted as the gas was poured in, which would have been better for her since she would never have been able to get them into the trunk.

  8. You want someone to pump your gas, go to Jersey. Illegal there to pump your own. Drove through with our antique car and had the pleasure of the attendant spilling gas on the fender. No thanks, I’ll pump my own.
    Here in Connecticut she would have to pay $.10 a bag. My biggest worry is that she votes.


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