Hallmark Reinstates Ads With Same-Sex Couples Saying They Are Truly Sorry for ‘wrong decision’ – IOTW Report

Hallmark Reinstates Ads With Same-Sex Couples Saying They Are Truly Sorry for ‘wrong decision’


The Hallmark Channel, reversing what it called a “wrong decision,” said Sunday it will reinstate commercials featuring same-sex couples that it had pulled following a complaint from a conservative group. The earlier decision by Crown Media, Hallmark’s parent company, to pull several ads for the wedding planning site Zola featuring two brides kissing at the altar had launched a storm of protest. Celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres and William Shatner criticized the move and the hashtag #BoycottHallmarkChannel was trending on Twitter at one point, the AP reports.

“The Crown Media team has been agonizing over this decision as we’ve seen the hurt it has unintentionally caused,” said a statement issued Sunday evening by Hallmark Cards CEO Mike Perry. “Said simply, they believe this was the wrong decision … We are truly sorry for the hurt and disappointment this has caused.” Zola, the wedding planning site that made the ads, said it was relieved that the decision to pull them had been reversed.


41 Comments on Hallmark Reinstates Ads With Same-Sex Couples Saying They Are Truly Sorry for ‘wrong decision’

  1. I will make a point of watching the Hallmark channel and buying Hallmark cards if the damn Gay Mafia attacks them over this!
    (cuz you know it’s coming!)
    Maybe I’ll even send a Hallmark sympathy card to Buttplug!

  2. …here’s a song, by a well-known homosexual so you will understand it, Hallmark, that pretty much describes your status since you went ahead and angered both the “normal” and “Woke” communities with your waffling, and now don’t have ANY friends left…


    …perhaps you should heed the warning in Revelation 3:15-16…

    “15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

    16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”

    …get woke, go broke, congrats for letting the liberals destroy yet ANOTHER institution there, @Hallmark…

  3. mickey moussaoui DECEMBER 16, 2019 AT 7:22 AM
    “I expect the Hallmark “Happy Abortion” card any time now.”

    …and I don’t think I want to see the “Congrats on getting your ass rammed for the first time, it gets easier now that you’ve been tore up” line of celebratory cards, either…

  4. …and will the Hallmark put the gay “Pop-Up” cards on a higher shelf, or will they be catering to the NAMBLA crowd, too, by leaving them easily accessible to the kiddies on the (appropriately) bottom?

    …sooo many questions for a newly “Woke” business…

  5. As if that 2% of the population will buy enough to keep them in business.

    By the way, Degeneres is not funny and never has been. The only decent thing she’s ever done was Dori in “Finding Nemo”.

  6. …OTOH, the guy who puts the “SPROING!” and “SWOOSHing lightsabre sounds in Hallmark cards will have a LOT more work to do before the Company goes under, so I hope he’s ready for lots of overtime…

  7. Beachmom DECEMBER 16, 2019 AT 7:33 AM

    “By the way, Degeneres is not funny and never has been. The only decent thing she’s ever done was Dori in “Finding Nemo”.”

    …that’s because SHE doesn’t have to ACT mentally challenged, just be herself…

  8. Many years ago, I recall how late Jerry Falwell, something of a political creature himself, took flack for calling her Ellen Degenerate. Recently I read that she called herself that in her early stand-up career. Can anyone confirm this?

  9. There’s money in perversion.

    Always has been, but now it’s gone mainstream.
    Don’t have to go to sleazy dark alleys to buy porn – it’s beamed right into your house by cable, satellite, and antenna.

    Will somebody explain how this is a good thing?
    The Media refuses to show the (for instance) New York and San Francisco pervert parades on TV “news” or allow the pics to be published in “newspapers” (because of the absolute disgustingness of the participants and their perverted antics) but it’s OK to be in our Libraries at Kiddie Time and on the Hallmark Channel?

    There seems to be a psychological or moral disconnect.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. That’s why I make my own cards now. Hallmark’s cards got too PC and flat out boring.

    It’s amazing what you can do in just MS Word. Get some heavy paper stock and you’re in business.

  11. Sad to hear. We cut the cable a year ago and now stream selectively. We recently added a monthly subscription to Hallmark Movies Now. The movie scripts are pure pablum but the decorated sets and wholesome themes were always an enjoyable part of the season. The most recent monthly payment will be our last.

    I really don’t care one way or another what people do in their bedrooms. But I do object to the “in your face” agenda. As a previous poster commented, now Hallmark has stirred up both sides.

  12. Nowadays you can make your own greeting with original art, personal sentiment of your choice, and all with the computer & printer that probably sits on your desk already.
    OTOH, company’s like target & starbucks are still around, so obviously righteous outrage doesn’t last long.
    Fuck Hallmark.

  13. As a gay conservative I will speak the truth…
    The alphabet people, ya, you know GLBTABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY&Z’s, just want to ruin anything and everything they can for hetrosexuals under the guise of fairness. I’m embarrassed, I’m ashamed but it’s the truth.

  14. There’s definitely a bait and switch goin on with “wholesome, nostalgic” entertainment.

    Networks like the gay Logo channel broadcast Bewitched, the Brady Bunch, I Dream of Jeannie, Happy Days, Facts of Life, etc. and then pepper thm with constant commercials for RuPaul’s Drag Race or some other deviant bull.

    You want your kids to watch something without profanity or subversive values and then the commercials get around that.

    They are after your kids in case that whole Desmond Is Amazing fiasco where the 11 yr old drag queen was caught on video apparently drugged and interviewed by a former infamous club kid / covicted gay murderer druggie and then put on stage at a notorious gay nightclub to strip while men threw dollars at him at 2 in the morning. Celebrated by your Ellens, Michael Strahans, Jimmy Kimmels,etc., etc.

  15. I wonder how much of this is spillover rage anti-Trump…

    Also, I’ve read that the LGBTQetc. orgs have geared up into tranny and anti-Christian activism since same-sex marriage has become legal — it’s about perpetuating money and careers. (Activist organizations never announce that their jobs are done.)

    The ad agencies that service these corporations are located on the coasts and tend to be populated with the artsy fartsy sets. I wonder how much the cultural mis-read in their bubbles has to do with some of these corporations’ initial missteps.

  16. This is really indicative of a couple of things. The gays have way, way more power then their actual numbers should indicate and that they are now the biggest bullies on the net.

  17. So, if Hallmark must be shamed into broadcasting lezzies, can we not shame LOGO into broadcasting christian ads for conversion therapy? Better yet, how about medical ads about the factual dangers of sodomizing?

    Fair is FAIR after all, lefties. 🙏😌

  18. Today on CNN (or msnbc – doesn’t matter) they had a big article with pictures of the biggest celebrity LGBTQXXXYYYYZZZZ moments of 2019.

    Super Sick Freaks, all of them. My favorite little shitmeister, Cirely Mirus was featured. The stupid little turd gets divorced from a man, then takes up with a woman, and is now back with a man. Can’t make up her mind just exactly what she is.

    Maybe she ought to go swimming in the ocean and find herself a horny whale. Keep herself busy for awhile.


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