Steve Cohen is the ugliest man in Congress – IOTW Report

Steve Cohen is the ugliest man in Congress

Patriot Retort: So there’s the video of Congressman Steve Cohen on CNN calling New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew a traitor for leaving the Democrat Party over this Shampeachment.  I had to watch the video three times before I was able to pay attention to what Cohen had to say.  Because, honestly, the guy is hands down the ugliest man in Congress.

In fact, I’d go so far as to say Steve Cohen is the ugliest man in the history of Congress. Look at that face.

SNIP: Got an unhappy dog on my hands.
Hope you get better real quick, Mary! ♥️

23 Comments on Steve Cohen is the ugliest man in Congress

  1. Wrong! Ron DeLaura is the least good looking man in congress. Denny Schultz, from Florida is right up there too. And don’t forget Pat Murray from Washington. When you think about it there a bunch of them out there.

  2. Nancy Pelosi (drops mic)….Picks it up…..Shiela Jackson Lee (drops mic)….picks it up again….DAMN! the Mic be dead….Lesson learned. The democrats be uglier then a dropped mic….

  3. Repulsive on the outside but worse on the inside.

    My wife was a paralegal when Cohen was an attorney before he ran for office and that she had this misfortune of being around him several times and that his reputation as a serial sexual harasser was well earned.

    Imagine that pud making come hither looks at you and trying to play footsie with you at an official function. Because that’s what kind of scum he is.

  4. Dude is so ugly, he created the butt pirate epedimic we have today. He is so ugly, even ugly women wouldn’t marry him for money. He is so ugly, even ugly gay people pull their pants up and run when the see him.Thanks Tennessee!

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