Maxine Waters Still Thinks Trump is Russian Agent – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Still Thinks Trump is Russian Agent

26 Comments on Maxine Waters Still Thinks Trump is Russian Agent

  1. I believe we have our first candidate in the Al ‘This We Much’ Sharpton, Mush-Mouth of the Year Award

    … only a couple weeks to go folks … get your nominees in today!

  2. I have no proof, but I believe Maxine Waters is a Muslim terrorist and should be deported.
    I have no proof(except she leaves no doubt), but I believe Maxine Waters is mentally insane and is a danger to herself and others and should be locked in a mental hospital for the rest of her life.

    I have no proof(she leaves no doubt about this either), but I believe Maxine Waters is a communist and a traitor should be hanged for treason.

  3. “There’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.”
    (Sandy O’Cortez)

    This is the foundation, the explanation, of every imbecility foisted on America.

    But, of course, the “morally right” part has nothing to do with Judeo-Christian or Anglo-Saxon morality but is a “morality” based on socialist, tyrannical expediency.

    Mad Max claims to “believe” simply because the alleged “belief” aligns with her political aims – same as her “belief” in Globaloney Climate Change – she could not explain an endothermic reaction if her worthless life depended on it – but she “believes” because it’s a convenient (though utterly false) vehicle to tyranny.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The thing to remember about Mad Maxine is that all her power comes from her wig. You rip that piece of fake dyed lettuce from her head and she’ll just shrivel up and hide.

  5. chuffed-beyond-words
    DECEMBER 17, 2019 AT 3:14 AM
    “I have no proof, but I believe that poor ol Maxine is completely bald underneath that god awful wig and has chronic head lice despite it.”

    Like THIS?…

    …probably not LICE, tho, probably MAGGOTS. Maggots like dead tissue, and ain’t NO tissue deader than Maxine’s brain…

  6. In a sane country she’d be a cartoon character.
    A laughingstock.

    Try to imagine her at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.
    Try to imagine anyone taking her seriously.
    Try to imagine her attempting to advise FDR on Dec. 7, 1941.
    Try to imagine listening to her for more than 20 seconds.

    She is an exemplar of the depths of buffoonery to which we have fallen.

    izlamo delenda est …


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