Poll: 76% Say Christmas Should Be Celebrated in Public Schools – IOTW Report

Poll: 76% Say Christmas Should Be Celebrated in Public Schools


Three-fourths of American adults say Christmas should be celebrated in public schools, a new Rasmussen poll reveals.

Nearly five times as many Americans say schools should celebrate Christmas (76%) as say they should not (16%), while 8% say they’re “not sure.” Regardless of gender, party affiliation, and marital status, about three out of four adults agree that schools should celebrate Christmas.

Likewise, 76% of both those who have children at home, and of those who don’t, support celebrating Christmas in public schools.

By race, 86% of black adults want Christmas celebrated in public schools, compared to 74% of whites and 76% of “other” races.

Americans also voiced broad support for allowing religious symbols on public land, responding to the following question:

“Should religious symbols like Christmas Nativity scenes, Hanukkah menorahs and Muslim crescents be allowed on public land?”

  • Yes: 69%
  • No: 17%
  • Not Sure: 14%

By employment status, government workers expressed the strongest support for allowing religious symbols on public land (79%), followed by retired adults (76%), private sector workers (71%) and “other” (57%) employees.


4 Comments on Poll: 76% Say Christmas Should Be Celebrated in Public Schools

  1. Most people celebrate Christmas as a secular holiday anyway with little or no religious faith being displayed that it is a relative “safe” holiday for most people, even those who are agnostic or even atheistic.

    The religious part of Christmas is kind of ritualistic and superstitious to most people who can sing the beautiful Carols without really recognizing the words or having them ring true so why not?

    Yeshua was born in the spring probably. And the good old Roman Catholic church needed something to counter the pagan festivities of December with anyway.

  2. …Schools? I think Christmas should be celebrated in MECCA!

    …AFTER the radiation settles down from a guud, purifying nuking, of course….


    …although that may take awhile and the Lord may come back in the mean time, but we’d be celebrating Christmas in Mecca and EVERYWHERE if THAT happened, all day and EVERY day…


  3. I remember decorating a Christmas tree in kindergarten. It was nice. I got a job pasting little marshmallow “snowflakes” on the bulletin board scene. I hate a lot of them…

    Be that as it may. I also remember that a brouhaha was made for the Jewish students (maybe 3?) in the class. No one deliberately wants to do things that will make 5-year-olds feel left out and bad…

    Hannukah, a very minor holiday (that actually stands against secularization and “inclusion”) gets included on a par with Christmas.

    Nowadays there are Muslims, Hindus, etc. in the schools. The “inclusion” can and will get out of hand. And then atheists sue.

    There is no good solution. How about schools just stick to teaching.


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