Christmess – IOTW Report


39 Comments on Christmess

  1. Where do I find that? After my Thanksgiving fiasco, that just might be the ticket.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  2. “^^^^ which begs the question: how do you know what feet taste like? ^^^^’

    LOL. It was from the show, Friends. One of the girls made an English trifle that included meat and peas. Legend has it, it tasted ilke feet.

  3. I’m trying to figure out HOW to get it out of the can on ONE shot, and then if so successful, how would I cut it and what is the serving size!??!

    WHO does not LOVE a great cross section?

    I’d give it a go. Can’t be any ‘worse’ than Spam or corned beef canned hash…good wholesome food group of it’s own.

  4. @Molon Labe – Now we know! THAT WAS HILARIOUS! Teared up and had to blow the nose after that! HE ATE THE WHOOOOLE THING.

    Should be an immediate IOTW Christmess classic…

    Very interesting, he ate it chronologically and cold. How about if he warmed it up and poked a hole in the can opposite the end that was opened? Break that vacuum seal.

    That’s how I get the tomato paste, for our sauce, out of the can…yeah I know, paste, but at least it’s not out of the JAR!!


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