ICYMI – Lindsey Graham’s Opening Statement Last Week is Worth Watching Again – IOTW Report

ICYMI – Lindsey Graham’s Opening Statement Last Week is Worth Watching Again

Horowitz testifies about his report on the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign and the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, and Lindsey Graham delivers an opening statement that could have been a closing statement as well.

ht/ Billy Fuster

15 Comments on ICYMI – Lindsey Graham’s Opening Statement Last Week is Worth Watching Again

  1. Does anyone want to see where these depraved Communist Congress coup plotters gather together when they are not in their D.C. chambers? And it is not at the Bohemian Grove.

    Multiple photos. While they are posted.

    “Molech for the BIG BOYS.

    By the way, this place can, like the grove, have flames come out of the ground plus a place for hangings plus an obvious ritual tower and it’s a really spooky molech which clearly has F*** rooms behind the eyes. Additionally the place is suitable for child hunts, no child would ever get out of those woods and the entire main theme is “weaving spiders come out at night.” ALL DOCUMENTED. Brb with much much more, including nice high res documentation.”

  2. Thanks Billy Fuster. I’d only heard snippets of Grahams opening, so I’m glad to hear the whole thing. Try not to shoot the messenger or dismiss what he says because of who he is. Trustworthy? Hell, he’s a politician’s politician! But he does at least lend some plain-spoken words and warnings, and that’s a good thing.

  3. had a lot of words, if he will follow through??? Or maybe the weight of the situation has changed him or he sees an opportunity to become a hero, step out of mcpains dead shadow too.

    hes’s hard to figure out lately

  4. Today on the Nature Channel, the reclusive Grahamster, gearing up for his guaranteed re-election to the Senate comes out of his hole for some worthless remarks that will never be acted upon. Just like six years ago and the six years before that.

    “All rights have limits.”
    – Lindsey Graham

    Trust Lindsey Graham at your own peril

  5. I’m sick of that little fag referring to the President as “Trump” instead of President Trump. He’s been doing it consistently and it’s disrespectful, especially coming from someone in his position.


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