Utah Jazz Sued By Fan After Being Issued a Lifetime Ban – IOTW Report

Utah Jazz Sued By Fan After Being Issued a Lifetime Ban

The NBA player heard the fan wrong and claimed he said racist things. The people in the stands, in the immediate vicinity of the fan, said he never said anything racist, threatening or profane.


A Utah Jazz fan that was hit with a lifetime ban from the basketball team is now suing the team as well as Russell Westbrook, the NBA player involved in the incident that got the fan banned. It all started back in March when Westbrook’s then-team, the Oklahoma City Thunder, was playing the Jazz in Salt Lake City. Westbrook was caught on video (see it here) shouting at Shane Keisel and his girlfriend Jennifer Huff in the stands. “I will f— you up. You and your wife,” Westbrook can be heard saying in the video.

But he explained after the game that Keisel had first yelled “racist and degrading remarks” at him, per the Deseret News. The Jazz launched an investigation and within a day had banned Keisel from all events held at Vivint Arena. But in his suit, Keisel claims the investigation was “inadequate” and that he only engaged in typical “heckling,” the Salt Lake Tribune reports.


15 Comments on Utah Jazz Sued By Fan After Being Issued a Lifetime Ban

  1. The universal excuse of “racism” is the trick card used by every black hoodlum to excuse their behavior.
    Of course it’s a one way street and anything they say with racial overtones is condoned. They are a protected species and anything they do is considered payback for events in the past.

  2. Just another example of an NBA thug over-reacting to heckling then when it looks bad the coward throws the race card and ll is forgiven. I hope the Jazz gets their head handed to them in court and Westbrook ends up paying out a big bag of cash and an apology.

  3. @scr_north: no apology will be forthcoming, no matter the verdict. Westbrook’s “understandable” viceral response to “institutional racism” will be all the cover he’ll need.

    Dunderheads. All of them.

  4. NBA fans? NBA teams? Government amphitheatres? My first thought was, “A plague on all your houses!”

    Then I thought, “Only the lawyers get paid. And all the begowned prinxesses are lawyers!”

    And I realized, PDJT is right. Again. Time to pray.

    “Saint Greta, deliver us your walls. Your Big. Beautiful. Walls.”

  5. No proof that guy said anything rayciss to him, but there is audio and visual proof of him saying he was going to beat down that guy and his wife.

    Sensitive NBA players. How do they manage to put on their uniforms without crying?

  6. Being a fan of the Thunder and the Rockets I have to say, that typically Westbrook isn’t one to use the race card or fight with a fan.

    And I do know that the banned fan was drunk as a skunk based on the audio and film that came out at the time of it.

    We shall see.


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