Ben & Jerry’s Join U.N. to Launch ‘Refugee Awareness-Raising’ Flavor – IOTW Report

Ben & Jerry’s Join U.N. to Launch ‘Refugee Awareness-Raising’ Flavor

And, folks, what would that ice cream name be?

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62 Comments on Ben & Jerry’s Join U.N. to Launch ‘Refugee Awareness-Raising’ Flavor

  1. Isn’t it great that we live in a free country and Leftists can freely associate and do things like this, unhindered by Conservatives?

    Wouldn’t it be nice if the fascist liberals and Democrat-Socialists would allow us the same courtesy?

    I will say Merry Christmas, hold doors for ladies, honor the flag and anthem, but refuse to use your preferred pronouns.

  2. A ‘Refugee Awareness-Raising’ flavor?

    Aren’t crime statistics enough?

    If Ben and Jerry really cared about the welfare of those “refugees” they’d do something about the situation in their home countries, not making an ice cream be about it.

  3. first, they need to perfect the eye-watering putrid stench of your average illegal immigrant or ANY Filthy Mohammedan Savage, and incorporate that into the flavour of their overpriced crappy ice cream

  4. BERNing Red
    A most fun ice cream name could be possible by collaborating with Nathan Tardif (Noodler’s Ink) to secure the right to use the name of one of his inks – BERNing Red. Along with the ink bottle label art work on the ice cream container.

    On the front the label – Bernies’ face and cotton-like hair superimposed onto the seal of Azerbaijan when it was still part of the USSR. Azerbaijan’s seal highlighted their production of cotton and oil. Bernie’s face covered the oil well rig, can’t drill for oil. His hair substituted for the cotton.

    On the back – a picture of Bernie trying to feed Nikita Khrushchev some B&J ice cream. With Nikita replying, “I will eat Vermont ice cream only if you eat my kholodets. (a Russian / Ukrainian aspic meat jello) .

    But of course B&J and Unilever lack a sense of humor and would never make BERNing Red ice cream.

    [the first 5 minutes of the video highlights how the founders during the Revolutionary war promoted Liberty, not Fairness, as Bernie and the left does.]

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