Nadler’s Nasty Accusation Draws Gohmert’s Fury – IOTW Report

Nadler’s Nasty Accusation Draws Gohmert’s Fury

Austin Statesman

U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tyler, turned up the volume in his 2-minute remarks on impeachment Wednesday, saying that Democrats were seeking to shut down an investigation by the Justice Department and Ukraine into “the corruption of Ukraine interference into the U.S. election in 2016.” After he spoke, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-New York, reprimanded Gohmert for parroting Russian talking points on Ukrainian meddling in the election, a theory that has been debunked by U.S. intelligence agencies.

“You said it was about this terrible Russia collusion,” Gohmert, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, said. “When that fell through, it was about emoluments, it’s about bribery, it’s about extortion. It’s changed, but one thing hasn’t changed and that’s the intent to impeach this president. It’s always been there.”

“This country’s end is now in sight,” he continued. “I hope I don’t live to see it. This is an outrage.” More

12 Comments on Nadler’s Nasty Accusation Draws Gohmert’s Fury

  1. While I appreciate the likes of Gohmert, Gaetz, Jordan, Meadows et al for their tenacious push back against the atrocities committed by the dems….. I view their strongly worded speeches no less “show trial sound bites” than those of the dems.

    Why didn’t they seek real justice when the dems kept moving the goalposts and changing the rules? Was there no recourse available to them to stop this before it went out of control, off the rails?

    There exists a 3rd coequal branch of govt for a reason. It’s called the Judiciary.

  2. Engelburka Engelburka ? Really? You think these guys wouldn’t have used some “recourse” if they could? The rotten dems made the rules because they are in charge. Seems like a bullshit way to run a government.

  3. Sometimes nothing drives a point home with morons like having the living shit slapped out of them.
    I give Louie Gohmert credit for his restraint, I’d have been dragged out and facing assault charges.

  4. “Too early to kill them; and too late to fix it.”
    (dead white woman, or not)

    At this juncture, rhetoric is the better weapon. The majority of the Demonrat leadership are maundering fools whose phony efforts at sincerity fall flat.
    Pelosi, Schitt, Schumer, Nadler, Tlaib, Biden, O’Cortez, Waters – they all sound like semi-retarded juveniles trying to explain how they happen to have someone else’s wallet.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The whole of USA would be laughing at the house dims in if we had a true free press ferreting out the truth and reporting these events.

    Instead we have a propaganda press pushing the leftists to riot on half-truths and outright lies. It’ll happen eventually.

  6. I would have unleashed the Kraken on Nadler. I would have gone on a five minute rant of withering insults so magnificent Nadler wouldn’t know whether to scratch his watch or wind his ass. They would have had to drag me out of there.

    How did Nadler get elected in the first place? He’s a gigantic loser whose only protection is to hide behind the bully majority.

  7. I thought Nadler’s remarks were despicable. Should we have a revolution along the lines of the French Revolution, Nadler certainly has an appointment with for a neck trim.

    This is a coup, plain and simple.


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