Ginsburg Thinks Senators Could Be “Disqualified” From Impeachment If Not Impartial – IOTW Report

Ginsburg Thinks Senators Could Be “Disqualified” From Impeachment If Not Impartial

Gateway Pundit

Ruth Bader Ginsburg spoke with the BBC this week about the upcoming impeachment trial in the US Senate.

During her questioning Justice Ginsburg suggested that US Senators could be disqualified from the proceedings if they are not impartial.

Justice Ginsburg: “The House indicts, and the Senate tries. Should a trier be impartial? Of course, that’s the job of an impartial judge.” More

36 Comments on Ginsburg Thinks Senators Could Be “Disqualified” From Impeachment If Not Impartial

  1. Democrats will nudge you into the grist mill, grind you down, destroy your hopes and freedom and finally kill you,,…they are the living dead, not merely uninformed, not merely misguided, they are animals seeking power..

  2. …her Anamatronic programmers must have left her in “test” mode after the last trip to the hospital, THAT one was just them screwing around in the shop and they forgot to delete it before release…

  3. What in hell is the tired, old woman babbling? Impeachment is a political proceeding, not a legal proceeding. Partisanship is a feature, not a bug. Stop trying to aid the Lawfare Democrats in their tired, old recusal ploy, Ruth.

  4. Our valiant Fighting Tigers the Dems got this! The conservs’ Cheeto-Jesus is hanging on by a mere thread and Pelosi is going to cut it and rid us completely of this Trumpster fire that has been a national and international embarrassment. No one is above the law. The foreshadowing by RBG is very telling and has all of his Russian/Ukrainian assets in the senate shaking in their boots. Can’t wait to get this country back on track to the more reasonable progressive Democrat Socialist model.

  5. Lefties are getting all over Gabbard for voting present last night. I think it was the right thing for her to do, given that she’s still in the presidential race. It puts a burden on the candidate senators to do the same.

  6. @Antidote December 19, 2019 at 11:05 am

    > We have to kill them all, patriots.

    Well, I’m out.

    (I can make the trains runs like a German speaking Swiss watch. But nobody gets away with accusing me of being a “patriot”.)

  7. Impartiality?

    In an impeachment?

    That’s ludicrous on its face. After all is said and done, after you sort through all the bullshit, impeachment is political. Preening, putrid, politicized, partial, prattling, prevaricating politicians notwithstanding – the focus and the aims are political.

    It was only spinelessness on the part of Republicans that kept them from impeaching the traitor Obola – particularly after proof of the Obola-Care conspiracy and fraud (among Gruber, Obola, Pelosi, and Reid) – not to mention the failure to pass a budget (which is required by the Constitution) for, what, six years?

    Ginsburg’s ready for the freezer.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Senility with dementia is an awful thing to have in any family.

    I believe this is what “Reasonable” is not. The mental faculties of elder hangers-on in government must seriously be considered in the rational functioning of Our government.

    Pelosi has made a total fool of herself. There is heavy concern from many.


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