Pelosi: No plans to send impeachment articles to Senate this year – IOTW Report

Pelosi: No plans to send impeachment articles to Senate this year

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Pelosi left the impeachment process in limbo Wednesday when, in the moments after the House impeached President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, she announced there are no immediate plans to appoint managers to deliver the articles.

“I was not prepared to put the managers and that bill yet because we don’t know the arena we are in,” Pelosi said Thursday.

She grew frustrated Thursday when reporters continued to question her about her plans for the impeachment articles.

Pelosi said she would appoint managers “when we see what their process is, not until then.” She then declined further questions on it.

“I’m not going to go there anymore,” she said.

The House approved articles of impeachment along party lines Wednesday. All but a handful of Democrats backed the articles. No Republicans voted for them.

Pelosi told reporters, “I have a spring in my step because of the moral courage of our caucus.”


25 Comments on Pelosi: No plans to send impeachment articles to Senate this year

  1. This is part of their nefarious, communist plan. If they submit their Gestapo witch hunt to the senate the senate will shoot it down because it is a crime in itself. Then their witch hunt ends. This way they can keep interfering with Trump and keep hurting the country. Their main focus is to prevent Trump from appointing anymore Supreme Court justices.

  2. But such a rush to get them passed.

    What do they expect, some change of attitude in the Senate? Or holding it till after the elections while hoping for a change in the majority party? Or a political move they can use in the campaign against Trump (at the expense of all legitimate issues they may have at least a chance with)?

    Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of Pelosi, only the Shadow knows.

  3. The polls won’t get any better by waiting, Nancy. But I guess you just have to do what your Lawfare bosses tell you to, when they tell you to do it. Remember this, though: Lawfare doesn’t give a shit if your House Dems commit political suicide to achieve Lawfare’s goals. Y’all are just eggs for their omelette.

  4. Proof-positive that the sham impeachment was just a political game. It will die in the Senate, so the Donks in the House sit on it and scream about Trump being a poopy-head until November. More amazing to me than the transparent amateurishness of their plan is the fact that they actually believe they have a chance in November. That level of disconnection from reality is borderline psychotic.

  5. …if I were to set the Senate procedure Botox claims to be waiting for, the procedure would be “Fuck You”, followed by the President’s case being stated WITHOUT laying down his Executive Privilege since no defense was permitted in the House, follwed by an immediate, up-or-down vote for acquittal.

    It’s not her ball anymore. Quit letting Nanny Urgent think it IS…

  6. Should this Speaker be impeached?

    How many times can she manipulate all Congressional procedures and get away with it???

    “You have to pass obamacare to find out what’s in it.” —-that alone should have had her swinging from a tree!

    She acts with the intention that her House should dictate terms to the Chief Executive, the SCOTUS and The People (she doesn’t accept an election and said she won’t leave matters to the voters again)
    And the lying! The perpetual lying.

  7. I’ve got nothing against Pelosi having a contest with Ginsburg, to see who can hold their breath the longest (or not breathe… close enough). But keeping the “impeachment” (close enough) in her purse, until the time is right, is, really, not an option. This Congress’ (unratified) acts die with the close of this Congress. Even if The Party (Democrats? close enough) holds The House, they’ll have to reshampeach, again, in the next Congress. Even if The Party (Democrats? close enough) takes The Senate, the next House will have to reshampeach, again.

    Maybe she’s hoping The United States Chamber of Commerce (Republicans? close enough) will lose The Senate elections. But she’d still have to get them to agree to ram shampeachment through, before they actually lose their seats, in January. How’s that gonna’ play out in flyover country?

    Or she can hand it to this Senate, on this Senate’s terms. Or just keep it in her purse — crumbs enough for the little “people”.

  8. Chris Cassone,
    Just heard Rush discussing that very thing. So what if ShamFran Nan keeps the Articles of Impeachment (GAG!) in a sealed mayonnaise jar on Funk & Wagnell’s back porch? They are now made public, and Turtle McConnell can go forward as necessary to acquit President Trump.
    Can’t wait for the subsequent arrest and trials of ShamFran Nan, Hellary, Comey, et al, for their own various crimes of felonies and misdemeanors.

  9. The ultimate agenda is a quick coup to evict Trump, dump Pence, and to install Pelosi as dictator. Think it can’t be done. It just happened in Bolivia, courtesy of the USA intelligence mobsters, which are also current Communist enemies of Trump. The warning of “watch your back” is not wasted here. As is referenced elsewhere, the criminal Federal Reserve fraud was installed by just a few members of Congress over the D.C. Christmas break.

    “In 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was fraudulently pushed through Congress, Congressman Charles Lindbergh stated: “This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth….When the President signs this Act, the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized….The new law will create inflation whenever the trust wants inflation….From now on, depression will be scientifically created.””

    The Federal Reserve is Evil
    “How did it happen? After previous attempts to push the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, a group of bankers funded and staffed Woodrow Wilson’s campaign for President. He had committed to sign this act. In 1913, a Senator, Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather to the Rockefellers, pushed the Federal Reserve Act through Congress just before Christmas when much of Congress was on vacation. When elected, Wilson passed the FED. Later, Wilson remorsefully replied, referring to the FED, “I have unwittingly ruined my country”. Now the banks financially back sympathetic candidates. Not surprisingly, most of these candidates are elected.

    The bankers employ members of the Congress on weekends (nickname T&T club -out Thursday…in Tuesday with lucrative salaries. Additionally, the FED started buying up the media in the 1930’s and now owns or significantly influences most of it. Presidents Lincoln, Jackson, and Kennedy tried to stop this family of bankers by printing U.S. dollars without charging the taxpayers interest.”

  10. @ TPKid, a wise perception! The DemonRats need all the cover-up power they can get to protect their many criminals.

    IMPEACHMENTgate: The Deep State Coup Conspiracy and Democrat Scandal That Will Forever Destroy Their Treasonous Party
    Posted on December 19, 2019 by State of the Nation

    “While it appears to be very complicated, and it is, it’s really all very simple.

    The short answer is found in the subtitle of this post: “IMPEACHMENTgate is a transparent Deep State Hoax Carried Out to Distract from the Countless Democrat Scandals, Criminal Conspiracies and Naked Betrayals”

    The longer answer is that the Democrat Party has become so corrupt and criminal in their collective and individual conduct that they have no choice but to majorly distract the body politic from their many scandals. There are now so many Democrat scandals, and so much criminality perpetrated by the Left, that it boggles the mind. Therefore, they truly feel they have no other option but to blow the whole place up … as in orchestrate an obviously false impeachment of an innocent POTUS.

    What better way to start a second civil war — right during the holidays — than to unjustly impeach a President whose only ‘crime’ was to LAWFULLY investigate Democrat transgressions of federal law.”

    “Update 1
    It’s now clear that Speaker Nancy Pelosi would hold the articles of impeachment until Election Day if she could get away with it. The last thing the Democrats want is for the Republican Senate majority to quickly dismiss the fraudulent charges against Trump during the home stretch of the campaign season. In this way, Pelosi not only holds the POTUS over a barrel, so to speak, she also can use the fake allegations alive to distract the electorate from the many scandals delineated above. See Despicable Democrat Refusal to Submit Articles of Impeachment Exposes Their Criminal Hoax”

  11. @tRuth December 19, 2019 at 6:01 pm

    > The ultimate agenda is a quick coup to evict Trump, dump Pence, and to install Pelosi as dictator.

    Well, as long as The Supreme Court says it’s OK, then it’s OK. Same as it ever was.

  12. The Senate must pass a bill, or whatever is required, demanding that the impeachment committee in the House submit the articles of impeachment by January 31, 2020 at the latest.

    The articles of impeachment must meet ordinary courtroom standards of factual evidence at both federal and state levels. There shall be no requirement that any degree of credibility be granted to anonymous, second, third or fourth hand witnesses.

    If in that time the committee insists that new information has surfaced, the committee will immediately and without delay present said information, in its entirety, again with no requirement that any degree of credibility be granted to anonymous, second, third or fourth hand witnesses.

    Further presentation of new information will not in any way extend the January 31, 2020 deadline.

    At the end of one week after said new information has been presented, should the Senate find that said information in no way substantially increases the credibility of the articles of impeachment, the deadline of January 31, 2020 shall remain in force.

    Further presentation of new information will not in any way extend the January 31, 2020 deadline.

    Should the impeachment committee fail to meet these requirements by the stated deadline, the Senate shall refuse to accept the articles of impeachment, declaring them null and void, and refuse to concede any constitutional requirement to proceed with a trial.

    (Plaster this all over the internet, guys.)

  13. Tell the stinking c*nt to stick them up her a**
    because that’s precisely where they belong.

    If the c*nt can indefinitely delay their submission
    then obviously the senate can indefinitely delay
    their consideration, like never.

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