Kurt Schlichter: “Get the Hell Out of Afghanistan Now” – IOTW Report

Kurt Schlichter: “Get the Hell Out of Afghanistan Now”

Town Hall

Here’s the bottom line. Donald Trump’s instincts were right when he looked at this Seventh Century wasteland and asked (I’m paraphrasing), “What the hell are we doing still being here?”

We need to get out of Afghanistan yesterday. The 4K Trump’s supposed to be pulling out soon should be the down payment. Bring our troops all home. More

19 Comments on Kurt Schlichter: “Get the Hell Out of Afghanistan Now”

  1. The Afghanistan war was started by Bush even though most of the hijackers were Saudi. Obama said he’d end the Afghanistan war and the one in Iraq during his first year in office. Eight years later the troops were still there. Neither of them knew what an end-game strategy is. Trump does. He also knows what a shitty deal is and he’s pulling us out of one of the worst we’ve ever been involved in.

  2. There has got to be some weird stuff going on behind the scenes that is keeping our troops in such a shit-hole as that. Control of the drug trade? I don’t know, just guessing.

    I guess I can understand Iraq, but why Afghanistan? To keep one of its neighbors, Iran, nervous? I’m just guessing. I don’t know shit from shinola.

  3. We should learn from the Brits and the Russians and get the hell out of Afghanistan like they did. Fighting an endless war in Afghanistan is not worth any more American blood. We’ve done enough, it’s time to come home and let the Afghans fight their own damned war.

  4. Suites me. Tell them if they let AQ or its types
    become a problem we will correct those from
    35,000 feet, but not spend another dime they can steal.
    I have a hunch that the Chinese might cross the
    border and try for a bite, so let them have it.

  5. Afghanistan is the Black Hole of Third World Shitholes.

    It’s the place where Empires go to die.

    We should have turned it into glass on 9-12-2001; along with the other 56 Mohammedan nations

  6. No anonymous. Clicked your link and bullshit flag was waving. Almost instantly.

    Dems will overreach in the new VA Assembly, which will open their session greeted by an enormous group of 2nd amendment supporters on Jan 20. Overwhelming numbers.

    In spite of campaign bluster and gov blackface, dems will limpwrist and back down.

    There will be too many of us to ignore. And they know we are not to be taken lightly.

  7. @Molon Labe – go and check out what happened and what is going on with uranium mining in THIS country and then go look at what will happen under POTUS DJT. Steve Moore has been talking about this.

    We are sitting atop a uranium world deposit, we just have to get to IT.

    We don’t need to go to shitholes to gather our needed resources. Turns out most of it is here, being energy independent, or neutral or whatever, it’s about ‘energy policy stupid’. NOT YOU ML.

    Of course we need to preserve certain landscapes that are already protected.

  8. @ghost ~ not talking uranium … we have so much the Klinton Klepto Klan can sell 21% of it to the Ruskies … Afghanistan has “… 60 million tons of copper, 2.2 billion tons of iron ore, 1.4 million tons of rare earth elements such as lanthanum, cerium and neodymium, and lodes of aluminum, gold, silver, zinc, mercury and lithium”

    & it does help that the Mexicans just discovered a huge titanium reserve … now, just to keep the Chi-Coms from getting it … right now, the Chi-Coms control about 95% if the rare-earth minerals

    but … ‘nuke if from above … it’s the only way’

  9. Hey ML,

    While I do NOT disagree with you, how does one mine some of the largest mountains in the world?? Are the minerals found in the the hard to get to mountains, or the plains, sands and such, worth our treasure, human treasure?

    My point is, IS there really so much there worth DYING for??? Again, not suggesting you are suggesting this!


  10. @ghost ~ no, no … been railing against the waste of blood & treasure in Afghanistan since the late Bush years …. not worth it

    we could’ve/would’ve had Bin Laden w/out all those thousands of dead & crippled-for-life ground-pounders

  11. Under barky obamafag, the afghan gubment put out bids to the world to come mine their vast rare earth mineral deposits, and SURPRISE!!!! the chinese were awarded the national contract, so remove all of our troops and let the chinese gubment spend billions protecting their national vital interests instead of USA, win win for us, and it will suck for the chinese, again. See how their military feels about goat shaggers decimating their troops w/primitive weapons.


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