Simon Wiesenthal Center Releases Ten Worst Outbreaks Of Antisemitism in 2019- Bernie Sanders Ranks High – IOTW Report

Simon Wiesenthal Center Releases Ten Worst Outbreaks Of Antisemitism in 2019- Bernie Sanders Ranks High


Bernie Sanders is the Jeremy Corbyn of the United States, and it’s time that he be treated as such. The Geller Report has extensively chronicled Bernie Sanders’ anti-Israel bigotry, and his embrace of some of the world’s most vile anti-Semites, and how he has contributed to legitimizing anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party. In fact, Bernie Sanders has direct links to two of the top five spots on this list.

‘Why do Jewish organizations continue to give this repulsive anti-Semite and anti-Israel bigot a pass? Because Sanders was born into a Jewish family. Well this is nonsense. Self-hating Jews have plagued the Jewish people from the time of Moses. Bernie Sanders is just a continuation of this phenomenon, and he must be held accountable for his actions.. Especially as his polls are ascending.


list HERE

11 Comments on Simon Wiesenthal Center Releases Ten Worst Outbreaks Of Antisemitism in 2019- Bernie Sanders Ranks High

  1. Pamela called Him an “OberKapo” last Week.

    Those were the Jews Who bullied and robbed the other Jewish Prisoners

    in the Death Camps….Fitting

    (I immediately wrote that word down on My Notebook)

    Fill the Urn….Bern.

  2. yep, you can smell the bern
    not only is bernie h16h, he’s rank…
    …rank, like an old hot ransid Bologna sandwich sitting in the aussie outback sun for a month of sundays.

  3. Bernie is a ‘self hating Jew’, according to my secular jewish buddy, that wears a chaim, a vet from the Navy no less, FFG Seawiz class.

    The Self Hating Jew is now protected under feral, I mean, federal laws, just done by Executive Power by POTUS DJT, the father of a converted jew and the grandfather of jewish grandchildren, so FUCK off you projecting libs.

    Would he give the president a thanks? Of course not…like I said, self hating.

    Happy Friday night before Christmas!

  4. “Feel the burn”, as in concentration camp ovens.

    Sanders reminds me of soros: a Jew selling out other Jews. They both would have made great concentration camp guards.

  5. And I’m struck by the fictional character Aaron Jastrow. The character wasn’t self hating, but woefully ignorant of his situation.

    Bernie cast his lot with the communists. The fascists. The marching morons. What he will never understand

    I’m not going to finish that thought, or sentence.

    You are a sorry motherfucker, Bernie.


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