CNN’s Funereal Atmosphere While Reporting Trump’s Rising Poll Numbers – IOTW Report

CNN’s Funereal Atmosphere While Reporting Trump’s Rising Poll Numbers

An excitable pollster was delivering the news to two of CNN’s most partisan democrat hacks, and their mood was one of sullenness, even when the poofter pollster was delivering good news about America’s brightest economic news in 2 decades.

THIS is cnn-

21 Comments on CNN’s Funereal Atmosphere While Reporting Trump’s Rising Poll Numbers

  1. Thanks Obama for the wonderful economy you laid the massively powerful foundation for. You’re a better man than Trump by letting him lie and take all the credit for it. You’re always
    the unifier by avoiding disruptive public battles

  2. Their polling is always skewed, so it’s far worse for them than they let on. I wonder if there’s any libs left who do not realize that? Probably not. I just recall all the fun compilation videos of the libs explaining the polling results and Madcow emphasizing it was ‘legitimate methodology” from a “real polling firm” That looks like bottom of screen says CNN POLL

  3. CNN is the weekly reader of news media. Focusing on people with ADD with short sound bites and zero quality reporting. BTW, that kid should become a weatherman. Or maybe he’s realated to beto.

  4. Almost everything the Left does against Trump and his supporters backfires and works against them instead, yet they will not learn from it.

    Their attitude seems to be that more of the same will produce different results.


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