Biden, asked if he will kill jobs, says “yes” – IOTW Report

Biden, asked if he will kill jobs, says “yes”

This sunk Hillary in the coal producing states –

10 Comments on Biden, asked if he will kill jobs, says “yes”

  1. If you listen carefully and critically, the Left doesn’t lie about what they intend to do to you.

    They just say it in a manner that everyone can make you hear what you want to hear instead of what is actually being said and support them for saying it.

    That, of course, is a form of deception in itself, and deceptions are how lies are created and promoted even if they are not being told directly.

  2. IF elected, when would he find time to kill jobs? I would expect this to happen on a weekly basis: late for oval office meetings because he was lost, setting off alarms, locking himself in the bathroom, head stuck in the wrought iron fence, etc.

  3. Democrats, in general, LOVE social meddling. It’s part of their totalitarian nature. They are too stupid to do the math so they just impose what ever mindless thought that pops into their heads and ‘VIOLA’, it’s done. “Now, what else can we fuck up?”


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