Your Vote for President Donald Trump Produced… – IOTW Report

Your Vote for President Donald Trump Produced…

Conservative Treehouse:

Tax cuts and regulatory reform; USMCA trade agreement negotiated and passed; Mexico halting illegal migration flows; new central American amnesty agreements; border wall under construction; lower energy costs; lower and stabilized fuel costs; highest blue collar wage gains in decades; largest resurgence of manufacturing jobs in 50 years; Korea-US trade agreement (KORUS); U.S-Japan trade agreement; U.S-China trade agreement (phase-1); withdrawal from Trans-Pacific multinationals (TPP); dissolution of Paris climate treaty; approval for ANWR energy development; five new gasoline refineries; U.S. energy independence; U.S. worlds largest producer of energy; LNG energy exports; elimination of excessive federal regulations; SNAP reforms; 3.5% unemployment; largest employed U.S. workforce in history;  MORE

10 Comments on Your Vote for President Donald Trump Produced…

  1. And the beginning deconstruction of the deep state, the unmasking of the communist party in America (democrats), and the last chance to restore the Constitution of the United States.

  2. Shame we had to endure 8 yrs of Fake POTUS (the kenyan faggot) before President Trump came to right the ship of State.

    Add to the list the deserved trashing of McLame, Yeb!, Pierre Delicko, Ratso Paul Ryan, the Clinton familia, Bidens, Fakeahontas, et mult al, self-serving traitors all.

    When President Trump gets reelected and trade deficits disappear (because we aren’t carrying the world’s corruptocrats) and the alphabet unAmerican agencies are purged/eliminated (putting many traitors behind bars), we will look back on just how stupid the self-destructive era of Clintons/Bushes/Kennedys/obozos was for America.

  3. Where will I be November 3. 2020? Casting my vote for Mr. Trump, the second time since 2016. Keep America Great! No Demwit can stop him from getting a second term by a landslide.


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