CNN analyst warns Pelosi: Withholding impeachment articles isn’t ‘sustainable’ – IOTW Report

CNN analyst warns Pelosi: Withholding impeachment articles isn’t ‘sustainable’


CNN analyst David Gergen warned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that she’s holding a “double-edged sword” by withholding the House-passed articles of impeachment from the Senate.

Joining Sunday night’s CNN Newsroom, Gergen — who was an adviser to former Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton — was asked to respond to Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short’s assessment that Pelosi “will yield” eventually and send the articles to the upper chamber.

Gergen said Short “has a point” and explained that Pelosi has found herself in a predicament. read more

15 Comments on CNN analyst warns Pelosi: Withholding impeachment articles isn’t ‘sustainable’

  1. From above: The ultimate goal was to get their hands of the Mueller report which is a gold mine of Opposition research (2 years work of unbridled counter-intelligence research) that will, of course, wind up in CNN and Trump’s political opponent’s hands.

  2. Anonymous is right on all counts above. And it is being reported that Mitch may be considering having witnesses. I hope he’s just toying with Nancy in between judicial confirmations.

  3. & this from a comment in Anon’s article post …

    • There is no crime. Not a single page of the United States Code has been cited.
    • The substance of the accusations is what the English call “maladministration.”
    • This is a Bill of Attainder, where the House declares a person to be guilty, then punishes that person, all without trial or due process.


  4. Even coming from my own preacher I can’t stand the worst kind of voice. That is the condescending voice. Chuck Schumer has the best (worst) of it and Nancy Pelosi is not far behind. I don’t hear that from the Republican side and I have checked and it’s not there. The reason why more males than females vote for someone like Donald Trump is because they can’t stand that condescending voice. I’ve talked to my wife about how she addresses our 17 year old son and she doesn’t get it. Males do not like a condescending voice.

  5. Don’t underestimate the Lady of the Swamp, Moistened Bink that she is.
    This holding up stuff is just an FU to DJT, to let him stew over Christmas break. But alas, alackaday, DJT don’t stew.
    But that is a small battle in a much larger war
    Nancy is letting the cream of the idiots elected to the ‘whatever goes’ party stick their heads up to get whacked off next election cycle.
    They say she is a good nose counter, she must know that she has a ship of fools. All the impeach crowd is a bunch of cartoon characters. Nadler and Schiff, Bah!
    She is abandoning 2020, letting the GOP take the house and let the senate be damned. Let the toxic teenagers be voted out and their special day in Washington is happily over. She is letting the weak ones die off. Natural selection, too bad.
    Like a giant Lizard she is shedding the dead skin on a stick by the trail. The Hilary’s and the Biden’s and all their relative’s mouths that yearn for the Government teat. She despises The ‘Squad’ and their idiocy that will be gone in a cycle.
    She senses the Great Winter of the Democrat Party. But she will endure it (Adderall willing), to see through to the day when Centrists will rise from the ashes to tilt at the Trump Windmills anew.

  6. Also channelling “our forefathers” during the hearings and impeachment announcement hit like a ton of bricks… You’re talking about those racist assholes that you described three years ago? We’re not buying it and neither is the independent voter! So go suck a 🍋! 😆

  7. The likely traitorous agenda the hold up in time is for:
    Pelosi coup plotters are waiting for Congress members to be gone for Christmas so they can use empty chambers and minimal members to complete the impeachment, trial, and ouster of Trump secretly. Trump is in Florida, so just who is watching the White House?

    “After the House voted to impeach President Trump on Wednesday, Pelosi indicated that she does not have a timeline in mind for sending the articles to the Senate, arguing that she wants to wait until Republican leaders agree to terms for a fair Senate trial. “


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