Doug Jones (D) of Alabama Is Getting Nervous on Impeachment (It Shows) – IOTW Report

Doug Jones (D) of Alabama Is Getting Nervous on Impeachment (It Shows)

LifeZette: Senate Democrat — eyed closely by members of both parties for how he’ll vote on Donald Trump — calls this a very ‘serious matter’


Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.) — the improbable Democrat in Dixie — is already squirming and wiggling in his attempt to rationalize a vote to convict the president on impeachment in the Senate and keep his own Alabama seat there.

Jones, who won his seat in the fall of 2017 when the GOP primary winner, Judge Roy Moore, was deemed too extreme even for the deep-red voters of ‘Bama, knows full well that a guilty vote dooms him in the Cotton State.

But a vote to acquit President Donald Trump makes Jones persona non grata with his fellow Dems in the Senate.

His only hope is that he gets a quiet waiver from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to vote to acquit if the whole Dem strategy seems to be going down in flames at the end of the process.

However, this is the beginning of the process — and Jones is covering himself with double talk and political pieties, in this analyst’s view, to leave his options open.

7 Comments on Doug Jones (D) of Alabama Is Getting Nervous on Impeachment (It Shows)

  1. …you notice that ALL the Dems represent nothing but the leadership’s opinion? That they never vote on behalf of their constituents? That they may complain and disagree with their leadership, but ALWAYS do what they’re told?

    And this from a party that used to tell us they were free thinkers, and to “Question Authority”.

    …let’s just quit even pretending. Just stipulate that Pelosi and Schumer cast all Democrat votes going forward, let’s go ahead and take it as read that there are 47 votes for impeachment (the “independents” always break “D”), poll the Republicans, and start the treason trials of Democrats if he’s NOT convicted and the Civil War if he IS, so either way, let’s end it the only way it CAN end, in flames and blood…

  2. Moore was too extreme? That is an opinion based on a smear campaign slamming him for doing something that was accepted at the time. It had nothing to do with his politics other than the fact that Moore was a Republican and the Dems were trying to steal a Senate seat.

    If Dems didn’t steal House and Senate seats, many of them would not have been elected.

  3. Politicians of “both” parties do this all the time. They beat the drum real hard when they can because it revs up the base and helps the fundraising. They don’t actually do a whole lot though. The status quo is best for their friends. That’s why they ALL hate Trump. Its a different set of friends at the trough. The R side of the uni-party had control of the House and the Senate and also had Trump in the Whitehouse to sign any new laws they passed. Roe V Wade repealed? Nope. Vouchers for parents who don’t want their kids indoctrinated by the Progressive education system? Nope. Obamacare repealed? Nope.


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