President Trump Adds Two GOP Judges To 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals – IOTW Report

President Trump Adds Two GOP Judges To 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals

OAN: President Trump has added conservative influence to the federal appeals court best known for its Democrat judges. The Senate officially confirmed the president’s decision to add two conservative judges to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which oversees cases in the western part of the U.S.

This month, Judges Lawrence VanDyke and Patrick Bumatay were appointed by President Trump. The court, which was once dominated by liberals, now has more than a third of the president’s appointees. read more

6 Comments on President Trump Adds Two GOP Judges To 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals

  1. One of the biggest reasons the D’s have gone off their rockers is the certain appointment in his next term of another supreme court justice, and by the end of his second term he’ll have appointed about 75% of the federal judges (according to VDH). Also, according to VDH, Trump’s picks will all be Constitutional Originalists. Imagine! No more commie, activist judges making up the law according to Marx!

    Now, aren’t you glad oblowme was always on vacation? 😉 It’s very telling — the D’s really thought they had a lock on the federal gov’t, didn’t they? Some of POTUS Trump’s bench appointments (so I’ve read) had been vacant for years.

  2. @The Good GENERAL — One of his recent appointments was a 14 year vacancy! Many similar, I’ve read. I suppose the D’rat president (whomever they may be) were waiting for qualified people to finish their paroles.


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