Dershowitz: Pelosi’s Delay Unconstitutional; Senate Should Proceed – IOTW Report

Dershowitz: Pelosi’s Delay Unconstitutional; Senate Should Proceed

The scummy dems think they can impeach the president and then just dangle that over his head- forever indicted, never acquitted. It’s petty, juvenile, transparent and unconstitutional.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s delay in sending articles of impeachment to the Senate is “unconstitutional,” and the Senate should go ahead and proceed with President Donald Trump’s impeachment with or without further cooperation from the House, Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz argues in an opinion piece. 

“I believe that the Senate need not wait for articles of impeachment to be transmitted,” Dershowitz wrote in the article for The Gatestone Institute. “Senators are empowered by the Constitution to begin a trial now — with or without further action by the House.”

Dershowitz said the issue is being debated by two of his former Harvard Law School colleagues, professors Laurence Tribe and Noah Feldman, both liberal Democrats supporting Trump’s impeachment, but he does not think either one of them is entirely correct. 

Tribe believes Trump has been impeached, said Dershowitz, and Democrats will get a “win-win” by refusing to transfer the matter to the Senate. Under this scenario, Trump is impeached but has no opportunity for acquittal by the Senate. 

Feldman’s opinion is impeachment and a trial go together, and the impeachment vote is the first part of a two-step process mandated by the Constitution. He also says, if the articles are not forwarded to the Senate, that means there has not been a valid impeachment. 


13 Comments on Dershowitz: Pelosi’s Delay Unconstitutional; Senate Should Proceed

    How much are we the people paying for this?
    What damage have these commie demos done
    to this country on the world stage with this
    crap ???

  2. They want more witnesses to testify…..Too bad, they should have done that when they had the chance.
    I guess they failed to think this through, like so many of the policies they push.

    Just more proof of how inept the libs are in everything they do.

  3. Looking to tack impeachment into a midnight 2000 page bill as a footnote of a reference to an adenum that no one will ever read then claim repubs were happy to vote him out. Or change rules of impeachment. It’s not beneath dems, they are attempting trickery somewhere keep eyes peeled.

  4. The Constitution says whatever the ghost of the Notorious RBG says it says. Or her duly authorized Ouija board.

    If you don’t like it, move somewhere else. That’s what patriots say.

  5. Let them hold on to the articles. Just be sure everyone understands this: voting on articles of impeachment and never sending them to the Senate is like walking around Best Buy with a new television in your cart and never going through the checkout.


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