Trump-Hating NY Times Pouts Trump Doesn’t Throw Christmas Parties for Journalists – IOTW Report

Trump-Hating NY Times Pouts Trump Doesn’t Throw Christmas Parties for Journalists


By Clay Waters | December 24, 2019

This Christmas, could you please spare a thought for the truly unfortunate: D.C. political journalists deprived of holiday parties surrounded by members of the Trump Administration (whom they despise)?

The front of the New York Times Sunday Styles section was a microcosm of self-absorbed journalists indulging themselves over the holidays: “The Pall Before Christmas.” It was written by Shawn McCreesh, previously an editorial assistant to Maureen Dowd and who here shares Dowd’s contemptuous irreverence toward Trump

It takes some gall, after prominent Democrats have encouraged confrontation of Trump staffers (and the Times running op-eds advocating “doxxing” migrant detention center employees), for the paper to suddenly wonder where everyone is. read more

17 Comments on Trump-Hating NY Times Pouts Trump Doesn’t Throw Christmas Parties for Journalists

  1. The words of Capt. Call from Return to Lonesome Dove (John Voight, of course) They come to my mind as a curt rejoinder:
    “I don’t recall asking to be friends with some son of a bitch that called me a liar”

  2. He should have invited the leftist media to a Christmas party, then when they arrived, announce he’s sharing Kim Jung Un’s “Christmas Gift” with them – a whole lot of nothing.

  3. Just invite the RIGHT WING media, and allow them to publish articles and photos from the event.

    Just freeze out the liberal media and have a good time without them.

  4. It happened that way because President Trump was reminded of a sign he saw at the zoo: Please Don’t Feed The Animals. He also saw monkeys throw their poop at decent American people and their kids.


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