Betting Parlors Now Say Donald Trump is Favored to Win 2020 Election – IOTW Report

Betting Parlors Now Say Donald Trump is Favored to Win 2020 Election

Looks like bookies and betting parlors are now laying odds that President Donald Trump will be re-elected in 2020.

Washington Sentinel-

At least as far as the odds makers are concerned — and they make a living doing this — the Democrat’s impeachment obsession has not hurt Trump even a tiny bit.

“Over the past week, Mr. Trump went from 1/1 to 10/11 to win the 2020 Presidential election,” a spokesperson for recently told the media.

“Despite all the fanfare about the president’s impeachment, the reality is that this is highly unlikely to materialize into a conviction,” analyst Alex Donohue continued.

“His nearest competitor, Joe Biden, sits at 13.9%, with Bernie Sanders following at 10%. Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg are just behind Sanders at 9%,” Donohoe added.

President Trump’s approval ratings are also a clue that the betting industry might be right.


Let’s not get complacent. Don’t measure the drapes like Hillary did.

16 Comments on Betting Parlors Now Say Donald Trump is Favored to Win 2020 Election

  1. “Let’s not get complacent. Don’t measure the drapes like Hillary did.”

    Indeed. Just as important as his re-election is seeing to it that he has really big coattails in the House. That means EVERYONE votes. Don’t just sit on your ass and smirk as the stupid leftists self-destruct, get up and go pull the ‘R’ lever.

  2. ^^^

    …yup, what HE said…

    …all I can say is that, had Hillary had “won”, because it would have CLEARLY been a fraud, there WOULD have been a response.

    She would NOT have been allowed to rule in peace.


    …Nothing has changed since then. If a Democrat “wins” THIS time, it will AGAIN be a very obvious lie.

    …And, patriots, you will then have a duty to do, as laid out by the Founding Fathers and provided for under the Second Amendment.

    The question then, is, WILL you?

    …we shall see…

  3. Anonymous DECEMBER 27, 2019 AT 2:45 PM
    “Do the odds makers factor in a certain amount of voter fraud? Say 30%.”

    …put a “1” in front of that 30, more like, they are evil, not stupid, and they DID learn that the GROSSLY underestimated how much they needed to cheat for Hillary to be President because they wanted it to look SOMEWHAT legit, but don’t count on them making THAT mistake a SECOND time, they no longer care HOW obvious it is, they WILL steal the Presidency by any means necessary that they may deal with US as they see fit later, depend on it…

    …If that happens, it’s up to YOU whether to willingly line up for your wrist tattoo before you move over to the queue for the boxcars or not. Might want to give it some thought NOW, what you plan to do LATER…

  4. It’s the economy, stupid! No one can touch POTUS Trump!! Besides which EVERY so-called hyperbolic utterance he’s made about “best ever!” is true! So, whaddaya think about THAT!

    Trump supporters will not only vote, they’re looking forward to voting.

  5. You all have heard me screaming about Massive Voter Fraud over the last three years. Sometimes I get tired of yelling the same thing over and over. But I will continue until I hear that something is being done to PREVENT it. We have heard maybe three people have been charged with voter fraud – inconsequential.

    We must have a country-wide shake-up from voter records to policing the polls (with ICE in attendance). Absentee ballots and voting machines must be severely restricted. A nationwide voter role to catch those who drive from poll to poll, sometimes different states, to vote multiple times. Vote harvesting must go. Late ballots found in someone’s car trunk must be rejected.

    Let’s start with that, ok? Maybe then, we will have fair and FREE elections that we can trust.

  6. Meanwhile, back to the Communist Coup that will not go away unless Nancy Pelosi is incarcerated in a federal prison for sedition. The overthrow of the US Republic is the on-going agenda which the Soros/Rothschild globalists will keep perpetrating, whatever it takes. Don’t get comfy believing a corrupt fraudulent election will ever save this country from doom. Banker wars just keep coming to destroy nations, and the USA is now their prime target.

    [Sourced quote]
    Ok, so I got onto this via what looked like a rumor post so I searched the topic and low and behold, Look at what the search engines are pointing to
    If the search engines are claiming TRUMP is offering bribes to not impeach him, you know darn well the opposite is true and the well worn tactic of “displacement” – where you state your enemy is doing what you are doing to deflect attention away from you – is obviously at play here. The search results, which have been programmed to invert the truth, prove that yes, Nancy is indeed trying to arrange these bribes and that’s why she is stalling.
    We also have until January 4th to prove there won’t be an emergency session called to oust Trump.”

  7. Don’t trust any of them. Ever…

    “There are multiple online platforms where bettors risk their own money by betting on who they believe will win the election. There are also indicators in the financial markets that can be reasonably tied to sentiment about the direction of the presidential race.

    And on Tuesday morning, those markets were unanimous: Clinton was the winner, though perhaps not an overwhelming one.”–Fiscal Times, Sept. 2016.

    Although I will give a nod to the fraud, as many above are doing, because Hillary did win the popular vote through massive voter fraud. Unfortunately for her, the fraud voters were just overkill in states she had sewn up anyway. Which will hopefully happen again in 2020.


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