Moron Progressive, Who Admits Leftist Policies are Harmful, Remains a Progressive – IOTW Report

Moron Progressive, Who Admits Leftist Policies are Harmful, Remains a Progressive


There was an incredibly compelling op-ed in the Wall Street Journal recently about how the minimum wage is killing Seattle restaurants.

Seattle restaurateur Ethan Stowell recently announced that he is closing several of his restaurants. Tom Douglas has had to do the same with some of his restaurants.

The person who wrote this op-ed, Simone Barron, is an insider. He works for one of Tom Douglas’ restaurants, sits on the Board of Directors of the Restaurant Workers of America, and founded the Full Service Workers Alliance of Seattle. He noted that on Jan. 1, in just a couple of weeks, Seattle’s minimum wage will go up to $16.39 per hour. However, this is not going to help him out.

Instead of receiving a bigger paycheck, I’m left without any pay at all due to the policy change. That’s because the restaurant where I’ve worked for six years is closing as a consequence of the city’s harmful minimum-wage experiment.

Barron said that he is “struggling because of a policy meant to help him,” and noted that while he is a Progressive, he thinks “Progressives should reconsider minimum-wage laws that hurt the very workers they’re trying to protect.”

The only thing that is disappointing in this op-ed is that this guy says he is still a Progressive. You see, Progressives hurt a free-market economy and workers a million times more than they help them.


ht/ illustr8r

18 Comments on Moron Progressive, Who Admits Leftist Policies are Harmful, Remains a Progressive

  1. I don’t know every restaurant that is closing but in a general sense the Tom Douglas restaurants are first class operations that serve genuinely good Northwest Cuisine. I’m about an hour and a half out of Seattle so it doesn’t effect me everyday, but I can tell you that on a cumulative basis these policies have caused us to not go to Seattle at all.

  2. I confess to loving this Schadenfreude. If you don’t understand cause and effect you get what you get.
    P.S. Don’t emigrate and bring your political stupidity to any other state. You are not welcome.
    You made your bed. Now sleep in it.

  3. Facing reality is very difficult for liberals and leftists. Even when it hits them upside the head.

    They seem to stand there, feeling the lump on their skulls, wondering what went wrong. Like the guy that wrote the op-ed. He knows what hit him, but does not really get the cause of his pain.

  4. PHENRY,
    Very simple and correct cause & effect.
    2nd part=Dam straight,we are in danger here
    in Texas.They are flooding in from failed demo-commie
    states to get the good paying petro-chemical jobs…
    I live 1/4 Mi. from I-45 exit #11. 4 lanes are now
    being widened to 10 lanes plus 2 safty.I now hear northern midwest accents everywhere I go.

  5. I have friends from Ohio who are going to visit this summer. They plan to visit several restaurants in Seattle that they’ve seen on Diners Drive Ins and Dives-partly thinking I’ve 1. Ate there before and 2. Would like to go.

    Nope! I cannot think of the last time I’ve been in downtown Seattle. I skirt the edge when I go to West Seattle. That’s close enough. My friends can take the bus, light rail maybe even borrow my car and bring me a doggy bag back.

    I miss the Seattle I could walk, hang out in, meet friends for dinner and yeah, Christmas shop without protests at Westlake. Those days are gone. Too many homeless and too many liberals in charge because lefty voters won’t dare acknowledge common sense.

  6. @RadioRadioIsTheSoundSalvation
    The fleeing rats looking for lower cost of living are scurrying about the nation, tryIng to outrun the illegals looking for free cheese, in order to leverage their DC windfall pension payouts into acreage and mini mansions

    As for the locals and their generations old society and norms? We’re deep state rich and we will transform your space into ours and that includes your body politic.

    We will turn your red state blue. Treachery abounds. Beware.

  7. This guy cannot identify with other people’s suffering. It is very sad that some people only can apply a lesson to their own situation and cannot learn that other people feel pain and suffering as much as they do and look at what they have felt and apply the lesson globally. Progressivism is a wicked and evil political philosophy that brings increased innocent human suffering, misery and death along every time without fail.

  8. Progressives are jealous (needed to cultivate socialism) and apparently this guy’s jealousy of others’ success is so deep in his heart it is more powerful than any sort of logic.

  9. Simone Barron, having a brief lapse in judgement, correctly pinpoints the problem, but then quickly corrects course and reverts back to “progressive groupthink”.

    People don’t want to pay $55 for a plate of pasta ala carte? Forced minimum wages are driving business away?
    Well the next “logical” solution in prog world is policy which forces “contributive redistribution” from stingy people. Something like wage deductions would do the trick.

    Progs are tyrannical retards.

  10. It’s not going to help any when the Wash. state minimum wage goes up to $13.50 an hour on the first of January. IDIOTS! And $16.39 an hr. is the minimum wage in Seattle, it’s getting to the point that I very rarely visit Seattle anymore and I have a brother who lives there and is a small businessman owning his own auto repair shop. But he just turned 64 so he may be retiring soon. I can’t afford to go to Seattle Mariners games anymore but our local Spokane Indians baseball team (is better and they’re a Single A team) is just as good and far cheaper and they still have free parking at the games.

  11. Remember the moron lugging the car door across the desert?
    When the Bedouin asked him why, he replied that when he got hot he could roll down the window (socialist believer).

    Or the Russian guy, at his show trial (after which he was executed), screamed at Stalin: “Don’t push me!” At which Stalin nearly fell out of his chair in laughter.

    True believers are true believers – unto death – perhaps beyond.
    They have maintained a pretense so long, and with such fervor, that to back up – even an inch! – in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary is to make their entire life and belief system a lie.

    The guy who fell for the Piltdown hoax continued to believe EVEN AFTER THE HOAX HAD BEEN ADMITTED!
    Globaloney Climate Change believers have embraced a hoax and cannot let it go – almost as if the obsession is vital to their self-esteem.
    Planck denied quantum mechanics despite his considerable contributions.

    Socialists deny God.
    Mankind is perfectible.
    Socialism will bring about the perfection of Mankind.
    It has failed, thus far, simply because I (pick any one of them) am not at the helm.
    Give me (pick any one of them) Godlike power over Mankind and I (the same) will perfect Mankind through a purgation of all that is impure.

    “Well, it’s still the same old story
    War for dominance and glory …”
    (stolen and adulterated)

    izlamo delenda est …


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