What’s A Life Worth In The Bronx? – IOTW Report

What’s A Life Worth In The Bronx?

Turns out to be a dollar, which is what a violent attack that killed a 60-year-old gay man in the Bronx on Christmas Eve.
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13 Comments on What’s A Life Worth In The Bronx?

  1. GAY man?! 😮

    MUSTA been an EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL whitey-cracka, devout, Republican, Mennonite who killed him, right?

    I didn’t even check the article first! 🙄

  2. A “60 year old gay man” – WTF is THAT supposed to mean?

    “An old pervert?”
    “An old homosexual pervert?”
    “An old homosexual?”
    “A beating-the-AIDS-odds old faggot?”
    “An old unindicted pederast?”
    “Some old fag who’s gotten away with pederasty for too long?”

    Phew … say what you mean; mean what you say.
    I seriously doubt that he was gay (happy, carefree).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. …the very first comment on the article starts parsing whether it’s a “hate” crime because, gay, leading to a discussion about what was in the hearts of the six vicious attackers during the murder.

    You know, if we just went back to EXECUTING people for MURDERING people REGARDLESS of “what’s in their hearts”, maybe then we’d get less murder for EVERYONE? Certainly less murder from the MURDERER…

    …hate crimes. So stupid. So Unconstitutional. Only a “thing” because, politics, and shreds the 14th Amendment by creating classes of citizens based on political motivations.

    But ACTUALLY helps NO one. Not even the “protected” class.

    …you won’t here it charged HERE because the murderers are a DIFFERENT protected class. Too much political inconvenience in a liberal jurisdiction. Judgement call=no prosecution, burial of the lede guarenteed by all liberal media, Facebook and Twitter too, most people will never even HEAR about this unless there was a White guy in a MAGA hat somewhere in the mix…

  4. Now Lazlo abides in the great state of Arizona.
    Sometimes I travel to Lake Havasu and then to Bullhead City for work.
    I take a circuitous route through Topock and Mohave valley to avoid passing through a small bit California.
    Because Lazlo carries two firearms in his car at all times. I avoid California because of stupid firearm laws. I carry because if Lazlo gets accosted by brigands or devotees of the Thugee I can send them ALL to Hell with efficiency and dispatch

  5. Let’s be honest here: socioeconomics plays a role here, but race is the better indicator. But it’s not genetic: it’s by design: ghettos are created by liberals. Liberals are guided by leftists. Leftists are guided by communists.

    Anerican black ghettos produce these dollar-killer animals.

  6. @Anonymous DECEMBER 29, 2019 AT 2:17 PM
    Meanwhile, in Texas.

    That’s about how it would go in my church. Except the perp might be stopped before he got that far. We’ve had security assessments done & I know that there are as many as a dozen concealed carry holders at any time.

    Dude would be goin’ to see Jesus for sure.


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