Bloomberg’s dangerous 2A beliefs – we’re to be completely unarmed – IOTW Report

Bloomberg’s dangerous 2A beliefs – we’re to be completely unarmed

27 Comments on Bloomberg’s dangerous 2A beliefs – we’re to be completely unarmed

  1. Bloomberg happens when someone is rich enough, senile enough, and is full of self importance. His agenda follows that of Soros and we’ll be better off when both are gone……..

  2. It cost me considerably to relocate from my east coast liberal state.
    I suggest Bloomberg use his considerable wealth to leave the USA and go wherever his politics match the locals.

  3. We the people rule the government. All power comes from force or the threat of force. 2A gives us that power. If the guns go, the government rules the people by force. The founding fathers knew that bureaucrats naturally have a predilection toward dictatorship.

  4. The Leftist leaders actually seem to regret that the White Settlement killer was stopped from killing many, many more people at the Church.

    And they especially regret, even openly condemn, the Church goers being armed and able to put an end to it in only six seconds.

    They call good evil and evil good, something to think about and try to get their rank and file people to think about too if you can. Most of them probably don’t really understand what they are doing and what they are standing for as they do.

  5. Typical hypocrite.

    If he sincerely believed in the Constitution and thought the 2nd Amendment to be misguided, he’d petition a repeal through the appropriate channels.
    But he won’t.
    He’s a tyrant-in-waiting, thinking his money makes him superior and qualifies him to dictate his mental illness and megalomania to 330 Million Americans.

    Fuck him.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. short, petty and stupid, and way too big an ego is no way to go thru life, idiot, send your goon body guards to come and take them, bullets first, I agree with Lazlo……

  7. Mini-Mussolini, being the globalist hypocritical little prick that he is, has armed guards (ex NY State Cops) guarding his insecure ass 24/7. Watch how fast his “guards” bail when the bullets start flying, and then he can get the piano wire treatment he deserves.

  8. Colion Noir sugar coats LE proficiency with firearms. For the most part, they suck. It’s not just training, it’s practice. Next time you’re around uniformed LE check out their department issued/approved Glock riding in their Black Hawk push button holster. Does it have the stock plastic Glock sights on it? RUN.

  9. Bloomberg is dangerous and stupid. Seems he also forgot to file in Nevada.

    (AP) — Nevada Democrats will not be able to caucus for Michael Bloomberg next month. The former New York City mayor and Democratic presidential candidate failed to file with the Nevada State Democratic Party by a Jan. 1 deadline, the party announced Thursday morning.

  10. When GWB was Pres Mike was a GWB “Republican”.. the only diff today is that GWB still lies about his party. AFTER TELLING US “VOTE CLINTON” OCT ’16! Clinton is a Bush Republican it’s true. If you get my drift!


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